the destruction of evil gods

"It's that guy, giant God."

"Yes, it's him."

"this vicious fellow is finally dead."

"in the past, it was the group of admirers of this man who loved to do some shocking and shocking killing business, and they would easily slaughter an entire village. Now, that fellow is finally going to suffer the consequences."

&Nbsp; " these evil gods invaded our world and wanted to destroy it. Damn.

"Indeed, he should die."

Everyone was indignant.

"if we start a world war in the future, won't we also become invaders?" Someone glanced at Gu nie, who was not far away, and whispered.

" the essence is the same. it's just that the way they eat is not so ugly! " After a while, someone said indifferently.

"However, the nature of this world has always been like this, hasn't it?" someone retorted.

"hehe, yingluo."

the others chuckled. who could say otherwise?

These experts were all smart people and saw things very clearly.