Chapter 92 the path of Cthulhu

" the first wave of explosion? " Gu nie raised his eyebrows.

that's right. The creatures of calamity only have an insignificant amount of power. However, they can still cause a destructive blow to many transcendent worlds.

" wait until those truly terrifying initial element creatures descend again. "

"even gods can be easily killed." andrew explained to gune.

then I'll have to cultivate as soon as possible and become a deity, or even a higher deity controller. Gu nie said.

andrew laughed at gu nie's words.

"No, I'm not."

you don't need to become a God. What you need to do is become a ruler, then a Great Old One, and then an even higher ancient God of the starry sky.

"Become a Dominator?" gune looked at andrew and shook his head.

"Senior Andrew, I don't even know how to become a Dominator."

andrew's huge body leaned forward slightly, and his huge eyes focused on gu nie.

this made gu nie feel an invisible pressure.