Human-faced lantern

In the secret room.

the reincarnated gu nie began to feel the depths of his soul and body.

"Fourth level Saint realm later stage."

" perfect body, perfect soul, perfect demonic pool, perfect blood sea. "

" all the disadvantages caused by the fruit's advancement in realm have disappeared. "

"moreover, i'm even more powerful than before. my comprehension of the three profound meanings has also improved significantly."

gu nie's lips curled into a smile, but it quickly disappeared.

The place Gu nie was heading to was the most dangerous area in the Holy Sea.

even gods might not be able to survive in there.

gu nie had reincarnated more than sixty times.

But if he was killed, it would be a waste of time.

" without the flesh and blood of a dominator, my body and soul's progress toward becoming a dominator has almost stopped. "