the eye of the black hole!

on one side, there was a newly-advanced god controller. he was a god controller with particularly strong divine power.

On the other side, there were two experienced God controllers and six God-level generals.

this battle could be said to be a confrontation between the top powerhouses of holy sea gar.

at that moment, as the battle waves erupted, half of the divine spirit experts in the land of emos were watching the battle from afar.

Originally, they thought that the newly-advanced God controller wouldn't be able to hold out for long against two God controllers and six God generals.

however, the newly-advanced god controller at the beginning of the battle gave them a whole new understanding.

a powerful flame instantly rose.

the flames, which contained terrifying power, directly crippled the six divine generals.

Even if it was tens of thousands of kilometers away.

the top gods could feel the indescribable power contained in the flames.

cthulhu's power!