the blossoming of the stars

Time flew by.

Three hundred and sixty years for Gu nie.

To the Cthulhu creatures outside, it was only a hundred and twenty years.

However, even a hundred and twenty years was a very short time for Cthulhu creatures.

and in the past 120 years, which was neither too long nor too short.

Including the ancient gods Mountain, Holy heajar, and even the entire universe, extraordinary changes had taken place.

one of them was ...

he had spent thirty years in the ancient nirvana world.

the qi yuan biological passage led to many transcendent worlds for the second time.

This time.

There were many paths leading to the source of calamity.

At the same time, a certain amount of initial element creatures had also entered.

Compared to the previous time when the passage randomly bloomed in many transcendent worlds, this time, it was different.

This was the second time he entered.

Those creatures were very cautious.