A new era (the grand finale)

Above the universe Star Palace.

gune, andrew, and arusius, the three rulers, had completely occupied this place.

as the sea of catastrophe source creatures attacked.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

gu nie's sea of blood bloomed. tentacles, whirlpools, and tides all surged.

andrew and aruxiu also attacked at the same time.

They began to attack the incoming calamity creatures.

at this time, all the powerful qi yuan mimicry creatures in the area of the starry sky temple had been killed by gu nie.

at the very least, there wouldn't be any qiyuan mimicry creatures that could threaten them for a long time.

even if they did, so what?

gu nie's attack was comparable to the three pillar gods "and he had many mysterious means.

he was no longer afraid of those powerful qiyuan mimicry creatures.

At this moment, Andrew and aruxiu were both relieved.

they didn't have to worry about anything if they followed gu nie, who was a super powerful member of the same race.