There are no endings to this story.

Danny went to the courthouse three days later after much deliberation by the jury as to whether or not William Lewis was guilty by law and he sat down, watching as the prisoner was brought in, William Lewis was silent and yet had an aura of defiance as he was walked in shackles and chains that rattled loudly, the chains clinked and clanked as they shook and as the doomed man was brought forth and he sat down in the defendant's chair as he watched and waited. Danny was watching and waiting too, the whole world was as well, the rapist who had raped so many people, his circle and reign of terror was coming to a complete end and the victims and the survivors, except for Eli Manning were there, all offering Danny their unwavering support and gratitude over his courage to stand up to the remorseless monster who had been destroying lives since college and many of Danny's precinct of cops were there as well as silent support alongside his relatives as they all prayed that justice would come swift and just for the victim and that retribution would be equal, pound for pound for what they had suffered. And yet there was no way they could ever get back what they had lost, each and every one of the victims had suffered in one way or another and the damage was permanently irreparable as the scars would heal, but their impact would forever remain upon their souls as they carried the pain with as much tenacity as possible during this difficult time that they would try and restart the healing process, each and every one of them, including Olivia Benson herself. 

Soon the Bailiff called out that Judge Swanson had come in and that all should rise, and everyone did, as they did as custom dictated in the court and then they all sat down as the Judge commanded and then the Judge ordered the Jury to be brought in and they all had a flat, emotionless, expressionless face as the Judge said

"Jury of the case of New York V Lewis, have we reached a verdict?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Can you please hand over the packet of the verdict forms to the bailiff after you have verified the signatures?"

The forewoman made sure all the signatures were there and she said

"All signatures are present, Your Honor."

"Then please hand over the packet to the Bailiff, the verdict will be read by the stenographer."

The woman then pulled out the packet of forms and read aloud 

"On the counts of rape, sexual assault and assault of a police officer, this court and jury has rendered all counts the defendant is accused of, guilty by all counts."

The court officers hauled away the convicted rapist away to be booked into Rikers island and to be arraigned into federal court to face the federal charges of murdering a federal agent which carried capital punishment by federal law since the feds since still had the death penalty on their books. That night he was extradited to Ohio where he would face the federal grand jury there and it was going to be impossible for him to be able to find clemency. 

Danny sighed in relief and sobbed in his hands from all the emotions that were colliding through his entire body, he was not used to this trauma, this trauma was breaking him inside and now it was all over, now he needed to focus on himself and heal, as he left the courthouse, he saw Goren looking all distant and tired, he looked a decade older than a week ago when Eames was still alive and now, he looked tired and defeated as he sighed 

"Congrats Danny, I hope this outcome can help you find some closure, I know I am hoping for the same closure in a few months. I know I'm gonna need it as much as you did."

"So what's next for you?"

"Me? I'm planning to testify in federal court, fry this bastard for whatever is worth of him and then transfer back to D.C, I am planning to become a Special Supervisory Agent, just get some desk time for myself, forget the mess and heartbreak I might as well endure."

Danny nodded 

"I know where that is coming from, I lost my wife Linda nine years ago and it still feels like yesterday that I had to bury her, nine goddamn years of heartbreak and loneliness, and don't let anybody force you to get back on the saddle sooner than you are mentally able, trust me, my pops wants me to find someone already, but I don't think I'll ever be ready to be honest, Linda was supposed to live with me until we grew old and died in each others arms, and yet now, here I am, fifty six and a goddamn widower all alone."

"See? That's where you're wrong. You have your family. You have them all. Trust them to guide you out of your pain."

Danny nodded as they shook hands and Goren left and rubbed his baby bump. He let the lights of the cameras bathe over him as the voices of the reporters faded to a soft white noise as he was guided out by Sonny and Barba, husbands for life and willing to face the future and the unknown with his unborn child.