Breakthrough in Half a Day

After a long period of silence, Chen Chen put away his token and began walking towards the courtyard.

The ethereality in the courtyard was far denser compared to the area outside. Apart from a cultivation room, a bedroom, and other facilities, there was also a small medicinal herb field in the middle of the courtyard, which was piled with spirit soil.

"Hu Xian'er, what's the cage next to the medicinal herb field for? Why does it look like the chicken coop I have at home?" 

Chen Chen asked curiously, pointing at the cage at the side of the field. 

Staring at the sky, Hu Xian'er answered casually, "I don't know, it's probably for chickens." 

After hearing her words, Chen Chen gave her a quick glance, before tossing her into the cage without hesitation.