This Woman Is Extremely Terrifying

"How did he cheat? Do you have any evidence? If you tarnish someone's innocence without evidence, you will be held responsible!"

The middle-aged alchemist was enraged, prepared to get justice for Chen Chen. 

The five people's expressions changed rapidly, and a moment later, they seemed to have come to a sudden realization. 

"It must be you who leaked the content of the examination in advance!"

"That's right! Who is he to you? Is he your illegitimate son?!" 

"If that's not the case, why are you so anxious when we say he cheated!?!" 

The more the five of them talked, the more likely this scenario seemed in their opinion. 

The middle-aged alchemist was dumbfounded and speechless after hearing them talk.

'Damn it, they even framed me! This bunch of rascals are really brazen!'