If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them 

"What's going on?"

Chen Chen was confused. 

The little morning glory stopped crying and began to tell Chen Chen everything truthfully. 

Chen Chen was shocked... 

Only a Void Refinement realm expert could ignore everyone and enter the Demon Suppressing Town to approach Chen Chen quietly. 

Besides, he was not an ordinary Void Refinement realm powerhouse! 

Chen Chen could not help but shiver. He naturally thought of the Heavenly Diabolism.

However, the humans and demons were fighting one another somewhere, even the half-demons of the Heavenly Diabolism were the same. 

Logically speaking, it should be the same for the sect master of the Heavenly Diabolism. 

Now, it seemed that he had thought wrong. He reckoned that the identity of the Heavenly Diabolism sect master should have been extremely special among the demons, which gave him the freedom to move about.