Chapter 880, insect power

The voyage battleship was extremely fast. After a few wormhole warps, it arrived at the Milky Way galaxy.

After entering the Milky Way galaxy, Chen Chen quickly locked onto his target.

It was a huge bug nest. In terms of size, it might be the size of the Solar System. Although it was not as big as the bug empress, it was still quite scary.

The bug nest quietly hovered in a corner of the Milky Way galaxy. A large number of planet-sized bugs spread out like a swarm of locusts.

Any nearby planet that encountered a bug would be eaten up in an instant.

And these bugs that could destroy planets at will, Chen Chen took a rough look. There were close to a hundred million of them!

Previously, he had thought that the solar system could not withstand the torment. Now, it seemed that the Milky Way could not even withstand the torment, let alone the Solar System.