Shocking Rice Porridge

Once the seeds fell onto the ground, the soil suddenly moved, and immediately after, little sprouts emerged from the soil. In a few breaths of time, the entire soil was fully grown with rice paddies, all the husks were already yellow, and the rice grains had hardened. The grains were translucent, a sign that the rice grains had matured!

They matured as soon as they touched the soil?

Su Yu finally understood the meaning of the word 'mature' that was behind the seed's name. This was truly heaven-defying, and it was a pity it would only appear for the novice reward. Such seeds weren't even sold in the shop.

No matter what, the problem of not having any food had been resolved for the next few days.

Although he was currently penniless and without a job, with these rice grains, he would at least be able to eat white rice for the days to come.

The sky was turning dark as the sun had already set. The faint light-red spots of light fell on the mountaintop, and it looked just like a thin layer of red blanket on the mountain range. The air was gradually turning colder too.

Su Yu had grown up in a village when he was young, and he majored in agriculture. Although he hadn't worked on the fields personally due to his studies, he had a certain understanding of crops due to the influence. He used his memory and started to harvest the rice paddies before preparing for dinner.

The system was still rather humane. The novice house's decorations might be crude, but there was a stove, table, bed, and some necessities.

After harvesting the rice paddies, Su Yu chopped firewood and fetched a bucket of water to prepare for dinner.

Su Yu had to admit that the system had a rather good taste. The Great King Mountain was definitely considered to have an enchanting scenery. From Su Yu's point of view, the lush forest looked like a patch of green sea. When there was a breeze, it would bring about a jade-colored ripple. Not far away from the residence was a stream which flowed down from the mountaintop. The stream water was extremely clear, and he could even see the fish swimming around and playing in the water.

Be it the quality of the air or water, it was far superior to his previous life. Heaven was probably as good as this. Su Yu felt rather blessed that he could transmigrate here.

The moist feeling in his hand woke him up from the deep contemplation. A half black and white palm-sized puppy was licking his hand intimately. The puppy's eyes seemed so intelligent that it was beyond any regular animal. When Su Yu looked at it, the puppy barked softly and wagged its tail while turning circles in front of him.

This was the Furry Dog from the novice gift reward. The name didn't sound lethal at all, and it looked so innocent. Su Yu naturally treated it as a pet dog and broke the dreams of having a sacred beast.

Su Yu carried Furry and placed it in his embrace while saying in excitement, "Furry, we will be relying on each other from now on."

Furry seemed as though it could understand Su Yu's words and whined a little while rubbing its head against Su Yu's cheek.

After sensing Furry's intimacy, Su Yu smiled. A cute appearance, intelligent, and obedient. In the previous life, this dog would be a great tool for wooing beauties. It would attract both men and women.

Not long later, a subtle fragrance startled Su Yu. He swallowed his saliva, and a sudden surge of hunger overcame him.

Furry, which was in his arms, suddenly became restless and started to whine before looking at the stove.

"Furry, what is smelling so good?" Su Yu never expected an answer from Furry. Unexpectedly, Furry broke free from his embrace and quickly ran toward the stove. It then started to bark at the pot on the stove. It would constantly look at Su Yu while barking.

"Holy sh*t! Could it be the porridge?"

At that moment, the pot was already fuming with hot waves. The pot lid was pushing down on the hot waves, and a 'clattering' sound was being emitted. The pot lid sides were starting to leak out with white and thick porridge water, making it extremely tantalizing.

He swore to heaven that he was only cooking rice porridge, and there was nothing else inside the pot apart from rice and water. He hadn't put any other seasoning, so it was unknown why it could emit such a tempting fragrance.

He removed the pot lid skeptically while a concentrated hot air rushed at his face. In a split second, the entire house was filled with porridge fragrance. Furry couldn't wait anymore as it looked up and hopped around with its short legs. It wanted to look inside the pot, but it couldn't do anything as it was too small. It could only rub at Su Yu's pants anxiously under the stove.

Su Yu didn't have the time to bother about Furry right now, as he was attracted to the pot of porridge.

As the stove was still on, the porridge in the pot was still bubbling, and whenever a bubble burst, the thick porridge water looked lively and would be flowing around the pot. Each grain in the porridge was extremely distinct and scattered out. They were all translucent and emitting bright radiance.

What did it mean to look, smell, and taste great?

This was what it meant!

Su Yu had never imagined that he could actually cook such amazing porridge.

This porridge was unlike other dishes. There wasn't a need to add any seasoning, and it would emit a unique fragrance as the rice grains were boiled with water. The smell was similar to regular rice grains, but it was concentrated yet had this trace of unknown refreshing smell. The fragrance was able to work up a person's appetite.

Unknowingly, the person would be staring intently at the porridge in the pot as the glistening rice grains were like the reflection of stars on the surface of the sea. The entire pot was now brightly lit.

Just the smell of it, and one would wish to eat it. If one saw it, they would like to eat it even more!

Su Yu couldn't wait to use a ladle to scoop a bowl of porridge. He didn't even bother about the heat and took a large slurp.

"Did I make this!?"

Once the porridge reached his stomach, he didn't dare to believe the taste in his mouth. The intense porridge fragrance spread throughout his entire mouth and was teasing the tip of his tongue. He couldn't help but let out a moan.

The porridge looked to be scorchingly hot, but once it entered his mouth, it turned warm. Once it entered his stomach, it felt as though he was soaking in a hot spring, which made his body warm and comfortable.

It was hard to imagine that a simple porridge dish could actually be this enjoyable and satisfying!

During his previous life, Su Yu had been fortunate enough to taste the dish 'Dragon and Phoenix Contest' that a star chef had cooked because of a rich second generation roommate. It was a fusion dish of snake and chicken meat, and it was the greatest delicacy he had tasted in his life. Back then, he had eaten in an unruly manner and disregarded his image. At that time, that was definitely the best delicacy that he had eaten in the human realm.

But now, just a simple meal of porridge had already exceeded his previous standard. Be it taste, smell, or appearance, the porridge wasn't inferior to that Dragon and Phoenix Contest dish at all.

A simple ingredient and process had actually surpassed the extremely complex Dragon and Phoenix Contest. If he hadn't tasted it personally, he would have never believed it.

Bark, bark, bark…

Su Yu, who was immersed in the delicacy, was awakened by Furry.

Furry was sitting straight with its forelimbs supporting the body up and the hind limbs seated. It was extending its tongue and looking closely at the bowl in Su Yu's hand with bright eyes that were filled with expectation.

Since you follow me, you shall have the fortune to enjoy it too. Su Yu then scooped a bowl of porridge for Furry.

He finally realized that the future of being the Great Mountain King was truly bright!