Meeting Tang Xiao Again

"Su Yu? What are you doing here?"

A familiar voice echoed beside Su Yu's ears, and he saw Tang Xiao. The latter was looking at him with an astonished expression. Two servants were behind Tang Xiao, and they were carrying plenty of things. It seemed like they were there to make purchases on the county king residence's behalf.

Tang Xiao walked closer and asked, "Could this be the better job that you mentioned?"

"Yes, I like this job a lot." Su Yu nodded. He then apologized. "Sorry, it is my fault that you got demoted."

Tang Xiao was at the 4th Stage of Outer Art, and it shouldn't be possible for him to be assigned with the purchases. He must have been demoted because he had tried to help Su Yu and fought with Chen Lang.

"You like this job?" Tang Xiao asked with an impatient tone as he felt that Su Yu had degraded himself. "Selling these rice grains?"

Most of the martial artists on the Five Deltas Continent possessed inheritances. In order to receive martial cultivation techniques, they would need to obtain them from the clans. Apart from the heaven-defying and lucky people, it would be wise to join those clans.

In addition, they would have an easier time with the backing of a large tree. At least, they wouldn't need to worry about clothing and food in the clan. If they were talented enough and well-versed in the martial dao, they would be able to create their own path.

Su Yu had actually given up on the job at the county king residence to sell rice grains. Had Tang Xiao not witnessed it personally, he would have never believed it.

"These rice grains are different," Su Yu said calmly. He had a cheat that others couldn't understand, so he wasn't panicking at all.

"Big Brother Tang, why bother about him? He must have gone crazy because of the mental blow." Before Tang Xiao could speak, a servant mocked. The servant had a skinny body, and he was carrying a pig, which was bigger than him, on his back. He had to stretch out his head forcefully, and it looked rather comical.

Tang Xiao sighed slightly and said, "Su Yu, there are plenty of people who like the County Princess, and most of them are young and handsome. Why do you need to put that matter to heart?"

The County King only had a daughter, and she was known as the County Princess. Su Yu had unintentionally encountered the County Princess once and had immediately been mesmerized. Therefore, he had instantly idolized the County Princess as his goddess. However, as a servant in the county king residence, he knew of his own status, and thus admired her in secret.

Su Yu had transmigrated over only a month ago. The transmigration had slowly corroded the old Su Yu's soul, and perhaps he could feel that his life had been coming to an end. He had actually gathered the courage to compose a poem and stated his admiration for the County Princess. When this incident had been made known, it had drawn in all kinds of criticism and mockery. A servant had actually dared to confess to the County Princess—which was already a huge joke by itself.

As a result, numerous people in the county king residence had deliberately started to seek trouble with Su Yu. Some of the County Princess' admirers had started to torture Su Yu for their own joy. Hence, when Su Yu resigned from his job, the outsiders naturally felt that he was escaping because he couldn't endure the humiliation.

"Don't worry. I have already forgotten about that matter." Su Yu was speaking the truth. He had lived through two lives, and such a matter didn't really influence him. In addition, he had never bothered about others' opinions in his previous life, either.

"Forget it. Since you have chosen this path, I shall not try to persuade you anymore," said Tang Xiao, as he knew that things were already decided. It was already too late. "How are these rice grains?"

"Don't worry. The rice grains are definitely good. They are just a little—"

"It is fine if they are good grains. The county king residence's food must not be neglected. If the county king residence is really satisfied, I will be purchasing the goods from you!"

Su Yu originally wanted to say that the rice grains were very expensive, but Tang Xiao immediately interrupted him. He had no choice but to swallow his words.

"A brother's business is something I must take care of. I shall take these rice grains!" Tang Xiao waved his hand and said generously, "How much do they cost?"

"Eh… 1 mid-grade spirit stone for 1 catty. I have 20 catties in total here, so that will be 20 mid-grade spirit stones," replied Su Yu.

"Su Yu, did you make a mistake? How much do they cost?" Tang Xiao asked as he found it hard to believe. He could naturally hear clearly, but he didn't dare to believe what he had heard.

"20 mid-grade spirit stones."

Tang Xiao's expression was rather unpleasant now, as he didn't think that Su Yu would resort to such underhanded tricks. On top of that, he was defrauding his own brother as the price was 20 times higher than the market price. Was Su Yu trying to scam him because of their brotherly relationship?

If it was only two times higher, he could still accept it. He was using the county king residence's name to help out Su Yu, after all. But 20 times the price was simply ridiculous.

"Su Yu! Are you taking Big Brother Tang for a fool? You might be brothers, but this is too much!" The pig-carrying servant stretched out his head again, sneering.

This kid is really courting death. He might have left the county king residence, but Tang Xiao would somehow take care of him. Yet, he is discarding this relationship in such a fashion. What a stupid fool.

"Enough! There is no need to say more. Pay up!" Tang Xiao's voice was rather deep.


"You just need to pay. If we overspend, I will just compensate for it!" Tang Xiao was enraged and obviously severely affected by Su Yu's action.

"Su Yu, you…" Tang Xiao looked at Su Yu and wanted to say something, but he stopped. He then took a deep breath before leaving with the two servants.

Forget it. I finally know of his true nature. I didn't think that Su Yu would degrade to this stage. Since I already said I would buy the rice grains, I cannot regret it now. I shall treat this money as a selling fee of our brotherly relationship.

Su Yu looked at Tang Xiao's face and immediately knew that he wasn't pleased with the price. Unfortunately, Su Yu was in urgent need of money. He believed that once Tang Xiao used these rice grains, he would discover their value. In fact, Su Yu was planning to build the rice grains' reputation before raising the price even more.

After receiving 20 mid-grade spirit stones, 2,000 gold coins were added to Su Yu's Wealth value. It also meant that 1 low-grade spirit stone was equivalent to 1 gold coin.

"The host's Wealth has increased, so the system will automatically deduct 1 gold coin."

Su Yu rolled his eyes. This system is really very particular about money. Is there a need to be so urgent about 1 gold coin?

Su Yu then chose the Miscellaneous category in the shop and immediately looked at the choice of beds. He had been sleeping on the floor for the entire night yesterday, so he was very focused on getting a bed. Now that he had money, it was natural to resolve his sleep problem.

Once Su Yu opened the category, he witnessed how comprehensive the system was. Just the selection of beds already caused his eyes to dazzle. Starting from normal beds, there were single wooden plank beds, single blanket beds, queen beds, king beds…

High-end beds: Simmons bed, silk beds, red sandalwood beds…

There were even water beds, couple's love beds…

The higher the grade of the bed, the higher the price. These prices were enough to wipe out all 2,000 gold coins that he had just earned. Su Yu felt that he was getting increasingly poorer.

Finally, he purchased a single blanket bed and the normal bed set, which consisted of two pillows, one bedsheet, and one blanket cover. They cost a total of 500 gold coins.

Since he had already made the purchase, he might as well continue. He purchased a stove, a table, chairs, and all other regular furniture. Of course, he was only able to afford normal goods. Even if that was the case, he still spent another 500 gold coins to do so. He was left with 999 gold coins now.

I finally have a real home now.

Su Yu was able to understand the saying when others said, "It is absolutely necessary to have money!"

This system is existing only for money!