Going Down The Mountain Again

"Brother Su, let me help you. Can you teach me how to plant crops?" Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly asked when she saw Su Yu working non-stop.

"No!" Elixir Shroud immediately protested when he heard that Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to learn to grow crops from Su Yu. He almost started jumping out of agitation. He glared at her as he questioned, "You'll be my disciple from now on. How could you learn to grow crops? That'd be so embarrassing for me if word about it got out!"

"No, I want to learn from Brother Su," Mu Xiaoxiao insisted stubbornly, not bothered by Elder Zhao's sullen expression at all.

Su Yu smiled and gave Elder Zhao an out. "Xiaoxiao, it's alright, I'm almost done. Go and help me scoop out the porridge from the pot."

"Okay," Mu Xiaoxiao said happily and immediately turned around to scurry to the kitchen.

The corners of Elder Zhao's eyes twitched continuously. To him, nothing else mattered more than his disciple disobeying him and serving others instead. He humphed coldly at Su Yu, growing more and more disapproving of him.

He entered the house and picked up the bowl of porridge that Mu Xiaoxiao had just scooped. He was just about to enjoy it…

"Master, Brother Su is still outside. We can't dig in yet."

Her feeble voice made Elder Zhao's face stiffen while his hand paused in midair. He took a deep breath and sat down uneasily.

It's just a bowl of porridge. Would I care about it? Elder Zhao grumbled to himself incessantly, but he could not take his eyes off the porridge. From time to time, he would sniff its aroma.

After Su Yu entered, he looked at the master-disciple pair that was yearning to eat the porridge but was resisting the urge. He couldn't help but be amused. "You guys don't have to wait for me. It won't be delicious after it turns cold. Hurry and eat the porridge," he said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Elder Zhao picking up the bowl eagerly, completely neglecting his image as an Elixir Saint. Mu Xiaoxiao was rather restrained, but there was excitement all over her rosy face.

"Brother Su, why did you cook so much porridge today?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked while touching her belly in satisfaction.

Su Yu had cooked a large pot of porridge. Even if it was delicious, the three of them could not finish everything.

Mu Xiaoxiao found it to be a pity.

Are we going to let the delicious porridge go to waste?

"I have to rush to the market later to sell some porridge and rice."

"What? You want to sell rice!?" Elder Zhao asked in disbelief. His rice was unique and one-of-a-kind in the first place. Not only did he not treasure it, but he even wanted to sell it.

"Kid, name your price. I'm going to buy everything," Elder Zhao said generously. Instead of letting the rice go to waste in the hands of others, he might as well take all of it. Money was the last thing he lacked.

"Elder Zhao, the Great King Mountain's reputation has to be built using this. Besides, this rice is of the lowest grade. I'll be growing more interesting types of food."

"You mean the apples that you planted in the morning?" Elder Zhao could not believe it at all.

It is a rare blessing to have that type of rice. How could there be more brilliant types of food? Is this kid Heaven's favorite? Does he have a flair for growing good crops? This is ridiculous!

"You'll know when you taste them in the future," said Su Yu. He wrapped the pot up and prepared to bring the 10 kilograms of rice to the market.

"Brother Su, I'll accompany you. Let me carry the rice," said Mu Xiaoxiao.

Su Yu waved his hand. "Since you've acknowledged Elder Zhao as your master, you have to follow his teachings. I'll go down the mountain on my own. Stay behind and learn from Elder Zhao. Don't damage our Great King Mountain's reputation."

"I know. Don't worry, Brother Su. I'll definitely learn well from Master," said Mu Xiaoxiao obediently though she was a little dejected.

Su Yu's words made Elder Zhao feel extremely comfortable. He held his beard and nodded as he thought, This kid is rather sensible.

Two hours later, Su Yu arrived at the market. He stopped at the same place, put the rice down, and set up the stall. He placed some firewood below the pot.

Due to the fact that he had rushed there in advance, it was only half past nine. Many people were passing by, but it was not too crowded.

"Young man, you're out here to set up your stall at such an early time."

The vendor beside Su Yu was an elderly man that was selling fish. Since he did not have too many customers, he began chatting with Su Yu.

"Yeah, Uncle. I'm here to sell some rice," Su Yu said smilingly.

The elderly man frowned and reminded, "Young man, how much is the rice worth? Besides, if you're only selling rice, it'd be hard for you to get business."

"No, I'm just trying my luck."

"Good, that's the right mindset to have. You're not arrogant," the elderly man praised. He looked at the pot beside Su Yu curiously and asked, "What's in that pot? It smells fragrant."

The porridge had just begun to heat up, so its aroma was not too strong. Despite standing near the pot, the elderly man could only vaguely smell the porridge's fragrance.

"This is the porridge that I've made using my rice. I'm selling it for breakfast, and others can have peace of mind when purchasing my rice."

"Hahaha, not bad, young man. You've got a flair for doing business." The elderly man guffawed and said, "How much does a bowl of porridge cost? I woke up early to fish this morning, and I haven't eaten yet. Give me a bowl when the porridge is ready!"

"No need. Once the porridge is ready, I'll treat you to a bowl, Uncle," said Su Yu. If he were to state the price, the elderly man would definitely be frightened.

"That can't do! Young man, it's not easy for you to be doing business at such a young age. How can I take advantage of you? Besides, it's just a bowl of porridge. I can afford it. Just name your price!" the middle-aged man said generously.

"There's really no need for that, Uncle…"

"Young man, if you don't take my money, it means you're looking down on me!" the elderly man said in displeasure as he glared at him.

"Actually… I intend to sell each bowl for 1 mid-grade spirit stone."

"It's just 1—" Stunned, the elderly man looked at Su Yu and asked in a different tone, "What did you say?"

"1 mid-grade spirit stone per bowl…"

The elderly man's face was flushed, and he could not bring himself to say the words that he wanted to. He did not have a single mid-grade spirit stone on him. Even if he did, he would not spend it on a bowl of porridge!

Ah, I've lived my life in vain. I didn't expect that I'd misjudge someone this time. This young man looks honest and decent. I didn't expect him to be so scheming. Not only did he lead me into his trap, but he lied through his teeth too. I've met the wrong person, I've met the wrong person…

"Is this just plain porridge without any other ingredients?" the elderly man asked in disbelief. His expression betrayed that he was beyond astonished.

"Indeed, it's just plain porridge," said Su Yu while shaking his head. "Uncle, you really don't have to—"

"Cut it out. You don't have to call me 'Uncle' either. I'll just take it that we've never met or spoken to each other before!" The elderly man humphed and returned to his store, his face turning a little red. After all, he had just generously and confidently said that he would be paying. Yet, it turned out that he had misunderstood all along.

Su Yu sighed a little. He had long expected that outcome. He did not bother explaining either and simply waited quietly for the porridge to be cooked.