There Are Guests

"Miss Bai, Young Master Bai." As soon as Su Yu went out, he saw Bai Xiaoya and Bai Xiaolong standing outside and staring blankly at his land while thinking about something.

"Greetings, Young Master Su. We're sorry to disturb you at such an early time," Bai Xiaoya greeted, her tone becoming a little more formal. Su Yu was simply too mysterious, in her opinion.

"It's alright, come in." Su Yu smiled.

Bai Xiaoya and Bai Xiaolong couldn't help but exclaim in shock when they entered the house. The floor of Su Yu's house was paved with top-tier ceramic tiles of his previous life, which were reflective, and the reflections of people could be seen clearly on them. The walls were covered in fashionable and trendy wallpaper that exuded an elegant and majestic vibe. The other decorations were new and unheard of to them, and they really felt like they had entered a new world.

"Don't stand at the door. Come in."

"Well…" Bai Xiaoya and Bai Xiaolong looked at each other. As members of the Bai Clan, they wouldn't be that restrained even when they went to the County King's residence. They were extremely careful with every step, fearing that they would dirty the place.

The room's interior decor made their eyes light up. There were a beautiful glass door and glass windows, as well as an extremely soft couch. In fact, there were many special pieces of furniture, all of which were changing their views of the world.

Su Yu did not have enough money to upgrade his home to a mansion, but he had spent 15,000 gold coins to redecorate the novice house and buy plenty of furniture.

"Take a seat as you please. Don't stand on ceremony with me," Su Yu said while pushing two chairs over.

There were small wheels beneath the chair that made it easier for them to push it. Once again, Bai Xiaoya and Bai Xiaolong were fascinated and amazed by that design even though they were the scions of a wealthy clan. Ever since they ascended the mountain, they had never stopped feeling shocked.

"You're being too kind, Young Master Su," Bai Xiaoya said smilingly as she contained her emotions and sat down composedly.

This chair… is so soft…

The chair's size was just right, and the seat itself and the backrest were made of some unknown material. In fact, the armrests at both ends of the seat were wrapped in a layer of loose cushion. As soon as Bai Xiaoya sat down, she felt extremely comfortable, as if she was engulfed in a sudden softness that could melt her. Despite being well-mannered, she still couldn't help but move her waist.

Bai Xiaolong was much less composed compared to her. He had already thumped himself down onto the chair and twisted his body continuously while moaning softly.

He was initially rather sleepy because he had woken up earlier than usual. He suddenly reached the chair when he was at his sleepiest, and thus, almost fell asleep.

"Hello, my name is Mu Xiaoxiao."

At that moment, Bai Xiaoya and Bai Xiaolong finally noticed that there was someone else seated on the other side of the house. Bai Xiaoya chuckled awkwardly and stood up. "Hello, Miss Mu. My name is Bai Xiaoya, and this is my brother, Bai Xiaolong."

She then glanced at the side to see Elder Zhao, who was still having his porridge. Her expression changed, and she said respectfully, "Greetings, Elder Zhao."

Elder Zhao had been staying in the Spirit Medicine Pavilion for a long time, and she naturally might not know who he was. His identity had always been a mystery whom even the Pavilion Master had to show respect to. Even during the assessment, he had willfully set the passing rate to be zero. Besides, he had never accepted the friendliness of any clan or individual. Surprisingly, he had resigned from his position in the Spirit Medicine Pavilion and appeared in the Great King Mountain.

Although no one knew Elder Zhao's identity, they all knew that he was not to be provoked!

Could he be Su Yu's Master?

Elder Zhao nodded as a response.

"Miss Bai, what are you here for?" Su Yu asked curiously.

"Actually, I just wanted to pay you a visit, Young Master Su," Bai Xiaoya explained. She then started stammering a little, "However, I just saw the rice outside… and I developed an idea that I'd like to discuss with you…"

"Go ahead and tell me about it," said Su Yu. Then he instructed Mu Xiaoxiao to pour two cups of spiritual spring water.

"There's nothing much I can serve you since we're here in the mountains. Please forgive me, Miss Bai."

Bai Xiaoya's eyes flickered a little, and she pursed her lips under the veil with a slightly angry expression.

I admit you're impressive, but you guys can't look down on others like that. At the end of the day, we're from the Bai Clan, the wealthiest clan in East Delta County. We've tried all sorts of drinks before. Even if you don't have any wine to serve us, there should at least be a pot of tea. Are we really only worthy of being served with a cup of plain water? You're using the wilderness and the mountains as an excuse for looking down on us!

Moreover, she even seemed to have noticed a tinge of pain in Su Yu's eyes, though she was unsure if it was her illusion.

Are you serious? It's just a cup of cold water. What are you feeling the pinch for? Besides, I'm a beauty whom all men rush to please as soon as they see me. You can't even bear to give me a cup of water? You're such a miser! Are you even a man!? I might not be willing to drink your water either!

Indeed, Su Yu felt the pinch because each bottle of spiritual spring water cost 1,000 gold coins. Due to his previous gamble, which caused him to lose most of his assets, as well as the fact that he had spent a fortune on the furniture of his home, 1,000 gold coins was considered a large sum of money to him now. How could he not feel the pain?

While trying her best to suppress her anger, Bai Xiaoya asked calmly but distantly, "I saw the rice you planted outside. Young Master Su, may I ask… if that's the rice that you sold previously?"

Su Yu answered with a nod, "Yes, I grew this rice."

"Pardon me for asking… Young Master Su… How much of this rice can you plant?" Bai Xiaoya asked, probing carefully.

"Plenty. As long as I'm here, I can grow an infinite amount of rice." Rice was the most basic crop. AS long as he had money, he would be able to buy more land, and naturally, grow an infinite amount of rice.

"Young Master Su, can you let the Bai Clan sell this rice then? I promise we will never let you suffer a loss," Bai Xiaoya said eagerly. Although she had made preparations a long time ago, she still couldn't help but get excited when she found out that Su Yu could grow such rice.

"Allow your clan to sell it?" Su Yu asked while glancing at Bai Xiaoya in surprise. He thought, This woman is really something. No wonder she's the daughter of the richest family in East Delta County. She saw a business opportunity so soon and even came looking for me immediately. Clearly, she's very driven.

"Don't worry, Young Master Su. This kind of rice is definitely unique in the Five Deltas Continent. As long as we are given the rights to sell it, we can definitely brand it as an item that's as precious as the Spirit Wine brewed by the Elves," Bai Xiaoya added. Since the Bai Clan was a merchant family, they were definitely good at running a business.

Su Yu had naturally heard of the Elves' Spirit Wine before. It would be akin to an international luxury brand of his previous life. The demand was higher than the supply, and it was a priceless item coveted by everyone.

The Elves were in the Northern Continent and were natural peace lovers who had inherent abilities to get close to nature. They also had a high tendency to give rise to good-looking offspring.

However, Su Yu's ambition was naturally beyond the Elven Spirit Wine. He wanted to turn the Great King Mountain into Five Deltas Continent's biggest brand!