His Torn Arm's Regrowth

Boom!!! The aerial bomb struck true against the behemoth, and the violent explosions ripped the behemoth into pieces. Long before the behemoth could unleash its terror, it had been annihilated.

Fwhoom!!! The violent shock wave swept all over, and the giant beetles closest to the behemoth were swallowed by flames. Immediately after, the shock wave carried with it debris as it blasted across the area. However, Qin Hao and the rest were within the blast zone!

Boom!! Qin Hao was sent sprawling in the dirt, and he hit the cliff directly behind him, losing consciousness.


"Argh..." With a groan, Qin Hao opened his eyes. All he could feel was pain in his whole body as if he was about to fall apart. He raised his head slightly and looked around, discovering that he was in a cave that was not too deep.

He scanned his surroundings, but there was nothing. The cave was very clean and did not look like a green, mucus-smothered area that had been ravaged by the insectoids.

"Where am I? Was I rescued?" Qin Hao struggled to get up. He found that he could not muster any strength, so he leaned against the wall and sat back down.

He tried to recall everything that had happened before. In Qin Hao's memory, he was probably knocked out by the shock wave after the aerial bombs exploded, but there had not been such a cave on the cliff face behind him.

"Could my comrades have rescued me?" Qin Hao frowned. It was not the first time he had been rescued. However, if he had been rescued by a friendly force, he should have woken up inside a ward on a hospital ship. Why would a friendly force leave him here?

If he had not been rescued by friendlies, had he been rescued by the bugs? The thought only flashed in Qin Hao's mind before he discarded it to the empyrean. Those bugs would never rescue anyone. In their eyes, humans were invaders and food!

Just as Qin Hao was feeling extremely puzzled, he suddenly felt an unbearable itch at the point where his arm was torn. The feeling of hundreds of claws digging into it made it too much for Qin Hao.

"Screw this sh*t!" Qin Hao disengaged the lock of the robotic arm. If the itch continued, he felt that he would go insane.


Qin Hao removed the robotic arm, revealing a torn arm inside.

"This... How..." Qin Hao panicked for a moment. The robotic arm had been installed for quite some time now. Logically speaking, before the installation of the robotic arm, his wound should have closed up, healed by the concoction of drugs. Yet, what appeared before Qin Hao's eyes were a blood-red wound and squirming flesh...

That aside, Qin Hao's wound looked extremely strange. Although he could see the bright red muscle tissues, there was no blood flowing out.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!" Qin Hao screamed. He did not know whether it was due to the wound's exposure to air, or some other reason, but there was a sharp, stinging pain in the originally itchy wound all of a sudden.

Although Qin Hao had never experienced such severe pain before, that was the last thing on his mind now because an even more shocking thing happened. Tender meat was growing wildly from the wound, and twenty to thirty minutes later, a brand new arm grew out from it under Qin Hao's nose.

"How is this possible..." Qin Hao could not believe his eyes at all. When the arm had fully regrown, all of the previous itching and severe pain disappeared. Instead, it was replaced with a powerful sense of hunger.

Qin Hao pinched his thigh hard, and the pain told him that he was not dreaming.

"Regrowing my arm? How is this possible?" Qin Hao rubbed his eyes, and suddenly, a thought flashed past his mind.

When Qin Hao was previously on Isis Beach, he had killed a giant beetle in desperation. That giant beetle appeared different from the ordinary ones. It had a golden horn and was something Qin Hao had never seen before. Even the entire Federation Fleet who had fought on Alpha for so many years had never seen a giant beetle with a golden horn either.

Qin Hao had never laid eyes on a giant beetle with a golden horn before, but he had seen those with bronze horns. Those giant beetles were leaders of a swarm and rarely appeared. After fighting for so long, Qin Hao had only seen them once. Plus, his former squad leader had told him that he needed to blow up the brains of those beetles with bronze horns and burn the brain matter away. Otherwise, they would heal themselves after a short period of time!

"Perhaps I've also gained some kind of self-healing ability?" Qin Hao was internally both happy and scared. He was happy that with this ability, his chances of survival on the battlefield would be greatly improved. But at the same time, he was afraid of being found out. He was just a foot soldier, and no one would protect him. He would eventually end up as a lab rat.

Despite being a little worried that he would be taken and sent to the lab for research, Qin Hao remained glad in his heart. He had regained his lost arm, and that was more joyous than anything else.

Just in case, Qin Hao hurriedly dug a hole and hid the robotic arm before he stomped the soil flat. Fortunately, the ground was soft, or else, there would not have been another place for him to dig a hole.

Qin Hao had no idea whether it was because the insectoid's power had been activated or not, but his aching and weak body had recovered to its best condition. The only thing was the growing hunger in his stomach.

After everything was done, Qin Hao pulled down his sleeves. That way, no one could see his arm, and if there was no injury, it would not raise suspicions even if anyone else saw it. They would just think that Qin Hao had money to burn and had put a layer of synthetic skin over his robot arm.

Dummm... Dum... Dummmm...

Just as Qin Hao thought that he was done, he heard footsteps coming from the cave entrance.

"Hmmm?" Qin Hao's brain worked fast. Judging from the rhythm and the strength of the footsteps, they definitely did not belong to the insectoids outside. It was the sound of something walking on two legs.

"I'll continue to pretend to be unconscious!" Since he was unable to determine whether the incoming being was a friend or a foe, Qin Hao decided to pretend to be unconscious. If it was a foe, his counterattack would be even more of a surprise.

Adjusting his breathing as much as possible, Qin Hao calmed his respiration to confuse the being who was about to enter the cave.

"Huh? He's not dead!" To Qin Hao's surprise, it was obviously a human, and that was the voice of a girl.

Qin Hao abruptly opened his eyes.

"Aahhhh!!!" The other party was startled by Qin Hao. She had thought that he was still unconscious and was about to lean over to check his condition. She totally did not expect this guy to suddenly open his eyes, and it scared the wits out of her.

On the contrary, Qin Hao was stunned as he opened his eyes because a very beautiful blonde girl was standing before him in a medic uniform. Even though the medical equipment on her powered exoskeleton covered most of her body, it still could not completely cover her splendid figure.