
What Qin Hao did not know was, the black bug's current appearance was its original appearance. The abdomen that fell out earlier was not part of its body but a parasite!

The parasite bug had been clinging onto the black bug's back since young and had been absorbing its nutrients. Once the parasite was hungry, it would inject a kind of venom into the black bug's body, because it extreme pain. So the black bug could only be its slave.

Since the black bug's weapon was the giant mandible on its head, it could not reach the parasite on the back of its body. So even if it was fast, and its giant mandible lethal and strong, it could not do anything to the parasite.

Since the parasite had affixed itself very firmly onto it, it was impossible for the black bug to get rid of it by rubbing against the tree trunk. Plus, whenever the parasite sensed danger, it would inject venom and cause the black bug to be miserable, so it dared not resist at all.

When Qin Hao startled the black bug earlier, it did not want to attack Qin Hao, but the parasite disagreed. It thought Qin Hao was a delicious meal, and it threatened the black bug to attack with its venom.

In the end, however, what the parasite did not expect was not only could it not feast on Qin Hao, it even threw itself into the equation. Hence, when Qin Hao stabbed into the parasite, the black bug was both in pain and ecstasy at the same time. The pain was because the parasite injected venom into it after the latter was attacked, and ecstasy was because it knew its dark days as a slave was about to come to an end.

The black bug clearly had a certain amount of intelligence, so when Qin Hao helped it killed the parasite, it was very grateful to Qin Hao, so it ran over to him to show fondness and trust.

Of course, there was another reason why the black bug was so fond of Qin Hao. That was because, after Qin Hao assimilated the Insectoid gene, his body too will emit an aura similar to the Insectoids. This aura could not be detected by any human instruments, but the Insectoid could easily perceive it, so the black bug felt that Qin Hao was one of its kind, so that why it was so fond of him.

While Qin Hao did not understand these reasons, he could feel the fondness of the black bug. So he tried to touch its head, and he did not expect not only the black bug did not resist it, it seemed to enjoy it.

Hiss... Kriik... The black bug called out a few times, but Qin Hao obviously did not understand it. While he had assimilated the Insectoid blood, but he did not gain the ability to communicate with the Insectoids.

"All right! Good! I have to go now!" Qin Hao shrugged. While this black bug was very close to him, he could not keep on staying here.

So, Qin Hao looked at the battlefield map on the recorder and continued to walk toward the Coales Valley.

Krriikkk... The black bug called out, and then followed Qin Hao. Clearly, this bugger was scared sh*tless by the parasites and was afraid that once Qin Hao left, it will fall prey to another parasite. So it decided to stay by Qin Hao's side, and if a parasite decided to screw with it, there would be someone to bail it out of danger.

"What are you doing following me..." Qin Hao frowned. While it was good having a companion around, he was still after all a human, and he was really not assured with a bug following him around. Who knows if the bug would attack him at night?

Krriikk... The black bug rubbed against Qin Hao again, and in any case, it had no plans on leaving him.

Qin Hao looked at the strange bug. If it refused to leave, then he had no way to chase it off. In any case, after that 'abdomen' was gone, the bug was protected by a black chitin carapace from head to toe, and Qin Hao's long knife will literally do zilch to it, so he did not have any means to drive it away.

With no other recourse, Qin Hao could only temporarily acquiesce to this reality. At most he would climb up a tree when he sleeps as this bugger did not look like it could climb a tree.

"Since you're following me now, I'll give you a name," Qin Hao said to himself.

Criieeekk... The black bug called out, and no one had any idea if it understood Qin Hao's words.

"Hmmm... then I'll just call you Blackie!" Qin Hao said.

Crieeek! The black bug called out again, and no one knew if it had agreed or not. In any case, Qin Hao took that it had agreed, and Blackie, who could not speak human language, could not say anything otherwise.

"Blackie, hurry up!"

"Blackie, come here!"

Qin Hao continued to call at the black bug. While Blackie did not know Qin Hao was calling it at first, but after a few times, Blackie, who had a certain amount of intelligence, understood that this was his new name.

So, Qin Hao had a follower beside him. After having a companion, the journey would become less lonely. plus, after Blackie got rid of that parasite, its appetite was not that large. Qin Hao only needed to give it two fist-sized roast for it to be well-fed for the day, while that amount could barely even sate Qin Hao's hunger.

"Blackie, we have to go faster. It's getting dark soon, and our journey had already been delayed a lot today." Qin Hao said as he sped up.

Kriiik... Blackie called out, and at the same time increased its pace as well.

Krik! Krik! After walking for a while, Blackie, which was beside Qin Hao called out again, no one knew what it was trying to say.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Blackie was consistently pestering him, Qin Hao asked.

This time around, Blackie could not be bothered to talk to Qin Hao, since he could not understand it anyway. So the bugger bowed its head and then arched forward as it shoveled Qin Hao onto its back.

"You..." Qin Hao was startled. If not for the fact that he did not sense any danger, he almost thought that Xiao Hei was going to bite him.

After putting Qin Hao on its back, two pieces of chitin carapace on Blackie's back suddenly lifted up like a saddle. Qin Hao subconsciously grabbed onto the protruding chitin before him, as he followed Blackie as the latter ran forward.

Whoosh... Blackie was traversing the rainforest as if it was on flat ground. It was even faster than the multifunctional all-terrain vehicle used by the Mechanized Infantry Division!

It not for the fact Qin Hao's physical coordination and strength at that time was already far superior to normal humans, he would have been thrown off by Blackie.

"F*ck me! Blackie could do this?" Qin Hao was overjoyed. With Blackie as his mount, he did not need five days at all. He could reach Coales Valley in two days at most!

Blackie shuttled across the rainforest at high speed and startled countless birds. At the same time, it also helped Qin Hao avoided lots of danger, as by the time many predators caught on to his and Blackie's trail, and long before they could even launch an attack, they were left several hundreds of meters in the dust by Blackie. By the time the predators reacted, it was too late for them to chase after them.

As they rushed ahead, Blackie's endurance proved to be amazing. Only five hours later did it start to slow down.