
Qin Hao nodded. He understood why the signal was blocked last night.

The insectoids could jam signals. The humans knew this very well. With so many higher-order giant beetles assembling yesterday, they would have to jam the signal. If the humans detected them and dropped a nuke on them, it would wipe them off entirely.

So when the higher-order giant beetles were having a mass feeding, signal-jamming was a matter of course.

However, it was morning now, and the higher-order giant beetles were gone, so too signal-jamming. Palmer had once again contacted the fleet that promised to send a landing ship to pick them up.

Quickly, half an hour had passed, and the engine's roar was heard coming from the sky.

First arriving was a fighter squadron escorting a few bombers. They started bombing to clear out the surroundings to make way for the landing ship.

The three of them came outside the command center as the landing ship slowly descended.

As the door of the landing ship opened, a military officer, about thirty with the rank of lieutenant, emerged.

"Professor Palmer, are you okay?" Judging by how polite the lieutenant was, Palmer must be holding an influential position in the Federal Army.

"I'm fine! Without this… soldier protecting me, I would have become lunch for the insectoids!" Palmer hesitated for a second when he introduced Qin Hao. He knew Qin Hao was a member of the Task Force Tempest, but he decided to keep it confidential.

"Okay!" That air force lieutenant did not even look at Qin Hao, who was only a low-ranking private and infantry soldier, not worth a second glance.

"All right, we have got to go now." Palmer saw the air force lieutenant's condescending attitude toward Qin Hao, and quickly smooth things over.

"Okay. You two get on board quickly." The air force lieutenant glanced at Qin Hao and Lucia, then went on board the landing ship with Palmer.

"Let us go on board, too." Qin Hao held Lucia's hand naturally as they boarded the landing ship. Lucia was blushing big time, but she did not shake his hand off.

Behind them, Blackie was following. But this alarmed the air force lieutenant.

"Damn it! There is a bug here!" The air force immediately raised his gun and shot Blackie.

The bullet hit Blackie but did not make a dent. Blackie's exoskeleton was even tougher than that of the silver-horn giant beetles. Not even the electromagnetic rifle was effective against them. Let alone pistol.

Blackie was unharmed but agitated.

"Stay calm, Blackie!" Qin Hao stopped it and snatched the gun from the lieutenant.

"What do you think you are doing? Are you trying to revolt?" The air force lieutenant barked.

"Revolt? I am saving your life! Your pistol won't cut it! Don't put us in danger, can you?" Qin Hao's voice was even louder than the air force lieutenant, his tough attitude stunning the lieutenant.

This young man is no doubt a member of the Task Force Tempest! Palmer was convinced of his conjecture.

"Blackie is not dangerous. Don't anger it!" Lucia also said.

"Bullsh*t! How could an insectoid not dangerous?" Qin Hao's toughness shocked the lieutenant who dared not direct his anger at him. But this was not the case when the lieutenant faced Lucia, the female medic. He shouted at her.

"Calm down, Lieutenant. Qin Hao had tamed that bug." Palmer saw the anger on Qin Hao's face. Before Qin Hao stepped out to protect his darling, Palmer quickly came up and stood between Qin Hao and the lieutenant.

"Professor… they…" The lieutenant was still respectful of Palmer, who had a say in the top command of the fleet.

"Your job is to take us back. Don't worry about other things," Palmer said with a smile. He pushed the lieutenant back into the cabin while looking back, gesturing to Qin Hao and Lucia to follow.

"Maybe you should go back to the forest first, Blackie." Qin Hao patted Blackie on its head.

Blackie chirped twice, seemingly reluctant to go. It rubbed against Qin Hao for a while, only then it turned around and headed back to the gap in the metal wall of the base.

It squeezed through the gap in the wall and disappeared into the forest.

"Are you going or not?" The air force lieutenant was angry with Qin Hao. How dare a lowly private snatch his weapon?

"Let's go." Qin Hao held Lucia's hand and went on board the transport ship. He could not bring Blackie along, and the reason was simple: he was only a private. He would not have any say once he was back in the fleet. He could not protect Blackie if the lab wanted to dissect Blackie.

Qin Hao had only known Blackie not long ago, but he was treating Blackie as his mate and did not want to put Blackie in danger. So the only way was to let Blackie go back to the forest.

After all that happened last night, Qin Hao had discovered something about Blackie. Except for the parasite, Blackie had no natural enemy. Not even the silver-horn giant beetles, which did not find it palatable. So going back to the forest was safest for Blackie.

As Qin Hao and Lucia entered the landing ship, the door closed. The landing ship lifted off and left the Alpha's atmosphere into outer space, escorted by the fighter squadron.

"Finally, back on the battleship!" A smile finally appeared on Lucia's face.

So too Qin Hao. He breathed a sigh of relief. Combating on Alpha was difficult. The humans had lost hundreds of thousands of men, yet they still could not build a long-lasting base on the planet.

The Coales Valley was supposed to be the forward base of the humans. But since the entire troop was wiped out, those people at the top would have to re-strategize.

"I've lost count of the number of privates like me who have lost their lives on the battlefield," Qin Hao mumbled to himself as he looked at the light green planet fading into the distance.

"Don't you worry. I will help you get a transfer order as soon as possible." Palmer had come beside him without him knowing.

"Thank you, Professor Palmer." Qin Hao smiled at him. He never saw himself as a hero. Less so spirit of self-sacrifice. He would not hesitate to leave the planet Alpha if given the opportunity.

"Think nothing of it. You saved my life, don't you remember?" Palmer patted Qin Hao on his shoulder.

After ten minutes, the landing ship docked on the Federal Honor, an Admiral Pokaff-class battleship of the 7th fleet. Palmer was meeting a few of the fleet's commanding officers, so Qin Hao and Lucia were also brought onto the battleship.