Meridian Breaking Pill

The snow was getting thicker as night fell, and the Big Dipper was hanging in the winter sky. They said that winter nights were longer. The bright star had risen in the East.

Although he was a piece of trash, he was a night owl. He could see lights in the sky.

He had entered into the perfect-stage meditative state for the past few nights. He had strengthened his mental strength. Tonight he was prepared to do his best and reach for the peak of his mental strength!

"Enjoy wine and songs while we can. Life is short. Quiet the heart. Quiet the mind."

After meditating for a while, Ding Hao slowly woke from it. He placed the jade talisman on his forehead, and immediately, it radiated astonishing lights. "Achieved the highest level that the Acquired Stage Measuring Jade Talisman can measure!"

It meant that he had achieved the highest level an Acquired Stage could achieve. 

"His six senses became extremely strong!" Now Ding Hao had a quiet heart and a quiet mind. He closed his eyes. He could hear the earthworm turning over a few stones, before coming out of the earth into the lawn outside the house. He heard the stretching grass and the worm licking a dewdrop from the tip of the grass. He also heard the comings and goings of the people in the room behind him. 

'It was Ding Laosi and Ding Junjie!' He discovered something. If he focused really hard, he could eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Father, you are here."

"Mm, I couldn't sleep. The piece of trash has been acting like an entirely different person lately!"

"I have the same feeling. He was even able to successfully help others enter into a meditative state."

"Successful. That's right. Junjie do you think that he had broken through the celestial channel? If so, we wouldn't be able to seize his seed."

"Don't worry father, I have some ideas."

Ding Hao paid attention to their conversation and listened to their mutinous schemes. 

Ding Junjie said, "Father, Zheng Peipei's family has a medicinal pill shop. I heard that her father was about to make a Meridian Breaking Pill. Why don't I ask Zheng Peippei for some and give it to the piece of trash! Haha. Even if he was about to be awakened, the pill will block his meridian, and he won't be able to break through to the celestial channel. He won't be awakened."

"That's a great idea!" Ding Laosi said.

'How vicious!' Ding Hao was livid after he heard that. He clenched his fist and jaw tightly. "That's too vicious! They were plotting to harm me!"

Ding Hao was tempted to rush into their room and kick them out of the Ding house, however, Ding Laosi had been working here for decades. He wouldn't obey Ding Hao's command! Ding Junjie had a job at the governor's office. Furthermore, Ding Hao was just 15 years old. He did not see how any good would come of it!"

"Vicious servants! Don't worry, you would be able to do that for long!"

Ding Laosi said softly, "But I heard that the Meridian Breaking Pill is a demonic pill. This is solely used to harm people and stop them from being awakened! Too malicious! Thus, the three kings and nine lords have banned the demonic pill. What if others find out…"

"Don't worry, they won't." Ding Junjie let out a ghastly laugh. "Zheng Peipei and her family are not willing to continue the marriage arrangement with the piece of trash. If I asked, they would help me make some. Nobody would say anything. Nobody would know!"

Ding Laosi nodded, "That's good!"

"Zheng Peipei!" Ding Hao hated her. The Zheng family was evil. They had their eyes on the Ding Family's wooden statue, but the realization that Ding Hao was a piece of trash prompted them to seek an annulment which was understandable. What was not, was the fact they wanted to harm him!

"I will make you pay!"

The second day, Boss Shang brought Xiao Hai over and another boy came along as well. Xiao Hai did not need to pay. The other boy paid 100 taels of silver. They entered a meditative state under Ding Hao's 'guidance'.

Ding Hao had earned another 800 taels of silver in a day!

"I now have two thousand taels of silver!" Ding Hao was in ecstasy. He was financially stronger than before, and he could buy more medicinal pills.

His mental strength had reached its peak. It was time to buy some medicinal pills to improve his constitution and meridian.

At that moment, Ding Laosi and his son were discussing matters.

"Son, how is the Meridian Breaking Pill coming along? Yesterday the piece of trash helped a few people meditate, and he earned 100 taels of silver each. He is rich!"

"Father, why don't we do it after he's got more money?"

"Son, you can't be too greedy! Silver is important in this world but having the ability is more important! What is the point of having so much money? I think we have to act soon. Let him take the Meridian Breaking Pill, and you will take his place. Be the descendant of the Ding family with a wooden statue. Then when you have children, you train them well and help them to awaken better celestial genes. They get a chance to enter the Jiuzhou Academy! That is a brighter future!"

Ding Junjie nodded and said, "Father, you are right. I will get the Meridian Breaking Pills tomorrow!"

Is Gentleman Ding home? My son is here for the training. Here is the fee."

More people knew about the classes. Ding Hao's business was growing. There were people sending children to him early in the morning. 100 taels of silver was a small matter for the rich.

"Please come in!"

"Have some tea!"

As the Ding House grew busy, a few of the servants' attitudes toward Ding Hao changed. The people who changed had never been fans of Ding Laosi, but they had never respected Ding Hao either. However, now that Ding Hao had improved for the better, and he was making money, they were more amenable. They began helping him out. Ding Hao was not angry with them. He even gave them some money every day. In the end, everyone was happy. 

"Wait until I seize the Ding family's seed. You will all have to scram!" Ding Laosi murmured and smiled at Ding Hao who was walking towards him. "Master, please hold on for a second!"

"Oh, the housekeeper. You are being so polite today." Ding Hao stopped and mocked him.

"Don't say that." Ding Laosi smiled and said, "Seeing my master improve makes me happy as a member of the Ding family. I watched you grow up, so I want the best for you?"

Ding Hao knew that he was pretending to be kind. He said, "What do you want, housekeeper? I'm very busy."

Ding Laosi handed him a porcelain bottle, smiled, and said, "Master, have you forgotten? Every month the governor's office would give three medicinal pills. I've been keeping them for you. Now that you are doing better I think it is time you have them. There are 36 pills. These are the best quality Foundation Stabilization Pill. Master, remember to take them. It helps with the awakening. I can face your ancestors, knowing you have taken them."

Ding Laosi pretended to cry.

'One bottle of Meridian Breaking Pills. You were indeed trying your best!'

Ding Hao clenched his teeth. He did not expose him, but he poured it onto his palm to have a look. He popped it into his mouth and swallowed it. "Take it like this?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ding Laosi watched him take the pills, and thought, 'You piece of trash, take as much as possible! Then you won't be able to break through the celestial channel and you won't be able to be awakened!'

"Master, I have things to do." Ding Laosi quickly went to his son.

Ding Junjie and Zheng Peipei, who had just sent the pills over were waiting. When he saw Ding Laosi, he quickly asked, "Father, did he take it?"

Ding Laosi raised his head to look at the flowers outside the window. He was smiling from ear to ear, "The piece of trash did not suspect anything. He even took one in front of me!"

Ding Junjie clapped and said, "Great! If the seed seizing operation is successful, we will be the masters of the Ding family! We can all enjoy the benefits and resources. With that little brother will have the chance of studying in Jiuzhou Academy! If little brother can't, there will be plenty of children and grandchildren. There will be someone who has a fine aptitude!"

The biggest dream of the people in Jiuzhou is to join the Jiuzhou Academy and become a celestial teacher, and enter the Celestial Cultivation Realm!

Ding Hao pocketed the Meridian Breaking Pills. In a quiet room, he showed the bottle of pills to Boss Shang.

"What kind of pills are these? These don't look like Foundation Stabilization Pills." Boss Chang smelled it and shook his head.

Ding Hao said, "This is the Meridian Breaking Pill. The housekeeper asked someone to make it for me."

"What?" Boss Shang was furious and said, "Gentleman Ding, why didn't you report this to the authorities? This is a demonic pill! It is made to harm people! The lord would not spare them easily!"

Ding Hao shook his head. "Now I'm just a piece of trash, who would listen to me? This matter is being managed by the governor's office, and Ding Junjie works there. And they say that the housekeeper's second son, Ding Juncai, has a fine aptitude. Even if I went to see the lord, the lord may not want to help me! I will wait until I have awakened my celestial gene, and then people will believe me when I show them these pills!"

"Right!" Boss Shang nodded. "If gentleman Ding awakened an extraordinary celestial gene in the future, and you show this evidence, they will be charged with harming the genius. They will be punished heavily! Good, gentleman Ding. You have a great plan there."

"In Jiuzhoue, the key is still the celestial gene!" Ding Hao kept the Meridian Breaking Pills, and said, "Boss Shang, that was not the purpose of me bringing you here. I want to buy some medicinal pills."

Boss Shang asked, "What kind of medicinal pills?"

Ding Hao said, "Something as big as the Meridian Breaking Pills."

The medicinal pills seen in shops are of the smaller variety. They were about the size of a peppercorn. These were over the counter medicinal pills. They contained a small amount of spiritual energy. However, the Meridian Breaking Pills that Ding Laosi had given Ding Hao were the size of one's fingertip. There was a large amount of spiritual energy contained in the pills. These were the Extraordinary Medicinal Pills. 

"This big medicinal pill is called Extraordinary Medicinal Pills. It is also referred to as Ex Pills. It costs a lot." Boss Shang stroked his beard and said softly, "As a celestial seed, the governor's office will offer three pills! You can tell just how precious they are! Three Ex Pills cost one hundred taels of silver!"

"So expensive!" Ding Hao was shocked.

You must know a bottle of 50 small medicinal pills cost two taels of silver, but three Ex Pills cost 100 taels of silver. There is a great difference!

Boss Shang said, "Ex Pills may be expensive, but its effects are powerful and long-lasting. The effects of one pill last for three to five days. Gentleman Ding, you'll only need six to nine pills a month. That will cost you a few hundred taels of silver a month."

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Take one every three to five days? I'm not planning to eat it!"

"Ah, what use is there then?" Boss Shang was curious.

Ding Hao, "I have uses for it, and I need Boss Shang's help."

Boss Shang said, "Alright, I'll buy it then. I know a couple of people that produce medicinal pills, and you can get a discount if you buy a large amount."

Although they were discounted, the pills were still extremely expensive. 100 taels of silver for three Ex Pills. 1,000 taels of silver for 30. Ding Hao now had 5,000 taels of silver, which would get him 150 pills.

He pondered and said, "Boss Shang, I was thinking. Do they have some defective pills? If it has not been sitting too long, those will do too."

"Defective ones too?" Boss Shang nodded, and said, "I will go and have a look today."

Ding Hao trust Boss Shang, he gave him all his money and said, "If you see something suitable, just buy it."

Boss Shang didn't argue, he kept the banknotes and said, "Great!"