Heaven’s Will Array

The night sky in the world of Jiuzhou was filled with moonlight and stars. The milky way was brilliantly on display. The sky looked like a colorfully woven fabric with the crisscrossing of light and shadow. 

Back alleys of Nanyuan, Ding's wood, and clay home.

There was a large copper pot in front of Ding Hao containing 480 medical pills. They were smashed and turned into medicinal paste. 

"This pot of gold is my first success!" Ding Hao had prepared for a long time. He could not help but get excited. 

"Woof woof!" Minion circled the copper pot, smelling the strong scent of medicine. 

"Whether I succeed or not, it will all come down tonight." Ding Hao petted Minion, calming it down. 

Five thousand silvers worth of pills, all mashed up into paste. Whether or not it would improve Ding Hao's meridians and constitution, it all hinged on tonight. 

"The spiritual energy here is immense!"

Ding Hao dipped his fingers in the pot. He could feel the wild surge of greed from the Power Absorption Stone. It was like nothing he had ever felt before.

"If I can absorb everything here, my aptitude would greatly increase!" Ding Hao was elated and started chanting in his heart, 'Power absorption skill, activate!'

"God, what strong spiritual energy!"

Ding Hao's eyes held an unnatural gaze. Spiritual energy surged into his palms. It was unbelievably comfortable. He felt as if every single pore in his palms had been opened, and the spiritual energy coursed in! 

It felt so good! Ever since he came to this world, other than the time he had sneakily absorbed a few small bottles of pills, he had never felt anything like this. His entire hand was filled with spiritual energy! The feeling was unbelievably invigorating!

"If I practiced the power absorption skill on earth, would it even be possible to feel like this? This really is why the world of Jiuzhou is so attractive!

"Every being has a spirit, spiritual power, and spiritual energy. Those are the most basic resources of this world. Absorb!"

At that time a sense of happiness also came out of the spirit absorption stone! It was as if it had finally seen rain after a long period of drought!

Spiritual power was wildly entering him!

"No, this can't be! The power absorption stone is too strong!" Ding Hao felt the Power Absorption Stone absorb all the power!

If this were to continue, he would be deprived of any benefits! Spiritual power passed through his palms and traversed by his body through the fastest route to the power absorption stone!

The only parts of him that benefitted were the meridians between his palms. The rest of his meridians remained unaffected, as the energy was absorbed by the power absorption stone. 

"This will not do! I will not be able to grow my meridians and strengthen my constitution!" 

Ding Hao opened his mouth and spat out the power absorption stone. 

The stone was angry with him. However, it was still a stone at the end of the day. What could it do?

"What if I try this? I'll first absorb a large amount of spiritual energy and circulate it through all my meridians. I'll then meditate and then circulate it through the meridians in a large rotation. After that, I'll put in the power absorption stone."

When he was back on earth, he practiced Qigong. Qigong was the art of circulating energy around one's meridians. A full round of circulation would be called a small rotation, and a large rotation was usually regarded as 36 small rotations. However, most of the energy circulation on earth was just imagination. In the world of Jiuzhou, that was definitely not the case. He could feel the spiritual energy within his meridians very clearly! 

It was like warm water flowing and moving within his body. 

He waited for 36 rotations to pass. The energy fully enriched his meridians. 

After that, he opened his mouth to swallow the power absorption stone. 

The process was not too complicated. The most important thing was that he did not waste the spiritual energy. He had to use it to its fullest. 

Two hours passed. 

"Huff." Ding Hao let out a breath of air. 

The spiritual energy within the copper pot had been absorbed by him!

Not only was the spiritual energy absorbed cleanly, but even the fragrance of medicine was gone. 

All that was left in the pot was some grey colored power. Even if Ding Hao could absorb more, there was absolutely nothing left to absorb.

"Five thousand silvers worth of medical pills finished just like that!

"Let's see the results."

Ding Hao impatiently retrieved the Houtian Measuring Jade Talisman, and spat in surprise!

"That's quick!" Ding Hao was shocked. After this absorption, the jade talisman had turned from red to pink!

The jade talisman had four levels: red, pink, yellow, and green. 

"I rose up by a whole rank! This speed! This yield…"

Ding Hao was in shock and awe. If this was the case, he would be able to reach the Houtian summit very soon!

He lowered his gaze to look at his body. There was stinky, black liquid oozing out of his skin. 

After wiping away the filth, he tried testing his constitution with the jade talisman. 

"Even my constitution has greatly improved! The spiritual energies must have seeped through my pores while I was circulating it in my meridians, nourishing my constitution! The black filth was probably all the impurities within my body!"

Ding Hao did not know if he could achieve the same results if he used another five thousand silver worth of medical pills. It was important to know that no one had actually consumed that much medicine in one go. He could choke to death first!

Furthermore, the medicine was three parts poison. There were all sorts of impurities and harmful substances mixed in.

The power absorption skill was different. It only absorbed the spiritual energy within the medicine to train and cleanse the body. It was actually a very advanced method of training, but he was not aware of it himself. 

"As long as I have enough silver, I can cleanse my constitution to perfection then break through. I refuse to believe that I won't be able to grow my spiritual roots once I get a perfect body."

Ding Hao finally had hope in his sights. He turned to look at the power absorption stone. After absorbing so much spiritual energy, the white swirling colors cleared significantly!

This stone was definitely a treasure. Ding Hao believed that when it absorbed even more spiritual energy, it would definitely surprise him.

However, Ding Hao currently had a problem he needed to deal with first.

"I bought so much medicine from Boss Shang. The Ding family will surely be on the lookout. If I throw the remains of the medicine away, they will definitely investigate it. My secret could be exposed!"

Ding Hao was very careful. In this foreign world, he could only rely on himself. Before he became more powerful, he had to take every precaution. 

"This medicinal paste can't be thrown away. I will keep it in my room. I can no longer simply let anyone in!"

The next day, Ding Hao told Boss Shang what he needed.

Boss Shang said, "If you were an immortal you could just set up some formations. However, you're just a normal human being. There's only one way to prevent people from entering your home, and that is to set up Heaven's Will Array!" 

"What's Heaven's Will Array?"

" Heaven's Will Array is actually a formation. It borrows the power of the heavens to control a given space. It will only allow those with a token of permission to enter that space. However, Heaven's Will Array is expensive to construct, and you would need to pay a regular usage fee to the government after setting it up. Maintaining the array requires crystal fragments as well, and that is not cheap either."

Ding Hao felt that any price was fine to protect his secret, and said, "Help me set up one Heaven's Will Array. I will pay any price. Boss Shang, you don't know this, but the Ding Family is just vile. They always trouble me when I enter the meditative state. This Heaven's Will Array must be built."

Boss Shang said, "Actually, since you have money, why don't you hire a few strong bodyguards to protect you?"

Thoughts of hiring the wrong kind of people troubled Ding Hao. He waved his hand and said, "The Heaven's Will Array will do. I don't like crowds."

After the Heaven's Will Array was built, Ding Hao felt much safer. Every day he would help people with meditation during the day to make money, and by night, he would meditate with Minion the dog. After a period of time, Boss Shang would send a batch of medicinal pills, with which Ding Hao would absorb the spiritual energies and cleanse his body.

Ding Hao would keep all the exhausted medicinal paste in his home.

He did not care for the cleanliness or tidiness of the house. After all, he did not intend to stay there his whole life. 

Ding Hao's odd actions caught Ding Laosi's eyes, alerting him.

"What has that piece of trash been doing with so many medicinal pills? What's his goal?"

"Dad, I've been very confused lately as well. I heard that he would take any sort of pill, even poisonous ones, in large quantities. It doesn't seem like he's using it himself. He has also been bathing very early in the morning lately. It's so weird!" Ding Junjie felt that it was all very suspicious. 

Ding Laosi said, "Son, that piece of trash is probably scheming something. We need to find out what he's up to! The only problem is he has gotten smarter lately, setting up that Heaven's Will Array. We can't even step into his room."

Ding Junjie thought for a while, and a sinister smile stretched across his pale face. "That trash is already fifteen years old and is probably already aware of girls. Let's send Xiao Cui in to steal his token of permission. Then we can sneak into his Heaven's Will Array and figure things out."

Ding Laosi happily said, "This is a great plan. My son is so smart!" But he hesitated and said, "Would Xiao Cui be willing to do it?"

"That sl*t will agree to do anything after she hears that I intend to take her as concubine in the future."

"That's good!"

Ding Hao bathed very early because he had to clean the black filth that came out of his pores every time he finished absorbing spiritual energy.

Today, he went to the bath again because he had absorbed the medicinal pills the night before. 

The baths in this world were large wooden pots filled with hot water. It allowed one to soak themselves for long periods. However, Ding Hao was not the type to enjoy himself. All he needed was a few wooden buckets full of water to wash himself with after he had stripped.

After his constitution had improved, his strength had greatly increased. He was currently carrying two buckets of warm water into the bath.

Just as he was about to wash after stripping, he heard a knock on the door. 

Ding Hao's senses were sharp, and he had already made out the maid Xiao Cui's footsteps. She was hopelessly infatuated with Ding Junjie, so she kept helping Ding Laosi harass Ding Hao. Needless to say, Ding Hao did not like her.

"What?" Ding Hao asked.

"Xiao Cui wishes to help the young master bathe…"

'Beware of suspicious folk bearing gifts, they won't have good intentions.' Ding Hao said, "No need."

However, Xiao Cui did not relent and kept on knocking on the door. It was as if she wanted all the residents to hear. Ding Hao finally opened the door a sliver and asked, "What the heck do you want?"

Xiao Cui came prepared. She had worn red-colored undergarments, and she pushed her way into the bathroom. Ding Hao furrowed his eyebrows and took a shirt to cover himself. He sat next to a wooden bucket and said, "What is it?"