Crime Pays

"Thirty Yuan stones!"

The white-faced man paled when he saw Ding Hao use the Tengjia Grass, but it quickly shifted to a look of greed, "You actually bought something for thirty Yuan stones, it seems like you're quite the fat goat! Thank the Dancing Goddess, I seem to have quite a bit of luck today!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "The one the Dancing Goddess blessed is me, I also have an eye on your hand crossbow!"

"Then let's see who really is blessed." The man did not hesitate as he shot his crossbow. An arrow sped through the air and lodged itself on the armor surrounding Ding Hao.

"Is that of any use against me?" Ding Hao plucked out the arrow and threw it aside. 

"Moderate grade Tengjia Grass, it really is good stuff." The man had a frustrated look on his face. 

However, he did not panic, the man knew the seed had a time limit. A moderate quality seed should last for about an hour. As long as he endured that hour, he would be victorious when it fell off Ding Hao!

"Die! Tiger Bounding Through the Rivers!" He kept his bow and started using his Tiger Fist, intending the stall for time. 

"Is that all?" Ding Hao mockingly smiled. He shouted, "Blazing Palm Third Layer! Explode!"

Thanks to the combat experience he just got, he could now comfortably use the second and third layers. When he knew it would not hit, he used the second layer to save his spiritual energy. When clashing with his opponent, he would use the third layer to use up more of his opponent's spiritual energy!

This Tengjia Grass was really some good stuff. It looked cumbersome when wrapped around his body, but his movements were not affected at all. Wearing the armor made it seem like he was wearing a thick glove, increasing the power of his blows!

Ding Hao's face was hidden behind the armor as his gaze was fixed on the man. He did not feel particularly frustrated about the battle, but rather he felt an odd sense of excitement! What a great fight! City Lord Ling was right when he said Ding Hao's blood and thoughts seemed to hide a great craving for battle. He had been cultivating martial arts even on earth, but did not have many chances to fight.

Now he could finally let loose, how exciting!

As the grass surrounding them blazed with flames, Ding Hao's thirst for battle rose with the flames as well!

"Bro, if I'm not mistaken, you probably have armor on as well?" Ding Hao landed a lot of hits on the white-faced man, but he did not seem to be affected, which meant he was wearing armor. Ding Hao waved his hand, "Then what are you afraid of, come on!" 

"What are you acting so cocky for?" the man shouted. He suddenly threw away a small bottle in his hands, slyly saying, "Do you know what was in the bottle? Idiot, try feeling your spiritual energy!"

Ding Hao's heart jumped as he felt the spiritual energies in his dantian. The spiritual energy has almost finished! He was diligently calculating how much spiritual energy he was expending, there was no way it would deplete that fast!

"How is this possible!"

The man laughed, "Idiot, since you think your spiritual energy is strong, then I used some spirit poison to help you use it up a little faster, hahaha!"

Spirit poison was an odorless and colorless poison, after being poisoned, the biggest effect was the rapid depletion of spiritual energy! The man had subtly released the poison in the battle earlier. Ding Hao was quite inexperienced, so he did not have any defenses such as limiting his breathing. He had breathed in a lot of the poison, causing the depletion of his energies!

The man said, "This poison isn't cheap! Three Yuan stones! I'm really spending a lot just to kill you! How are you going to fight me with your spiritual energies so dry?"

It's true, without spiritual energy, Ding Hao could not even use his Nine Layers Blazing Palms!

Even if he knew the moves, there was no power behind it!

"How could this be?" Ding Hao's eyes widened in horror behind his armor.

"Haha, what's so hard to believe, you're just too immature!" The man laughed loudly, "Brat! You have a lot of spiritual energy! You're rich as well! Your potential is probably quite good, being able to level yourself up so fast! However, it's regretful that you don't know your place, leaving the city alone!" The man said, looking pleased with himself. Even though Ding Hao still had the Tengjia Grass to protect him, but he was basically a cripple without spiritual energy.

The man prepared to capture Ding Hao to drag him into the forest. After an hour, he would kill Ding Hao.

"Brat! Don't blame me, the road of cultivation is like this. The only way I will climb higher is to step on the corpses of others!" 

"You, are just a stepping stone!"

The man walked in front of the powerless Ding Hao, but at that moment, Ding Hao's eyes shone, smiling coldly, "Then you're just the pavement I walk on!"

"How could you still have spiritual energy!" The man shouted, paling even more!

"How could I have spiritual energy?" Ding Hao's eyes shifted from terror to a mocking look, shouting, "That's my own secret! You don't deserve to know! Forth layer… go die!" The truth was, the power absorption stone had absorbed most of the spirit poison he had breathed in, so it did not really affect him.

Blazing Palm Forth Layer, the power was four times as powerful!

It was the first time he used it!


The fist landed on the man's chest. Even though he was wearing armor, the fourth layer was way too strong. With just one strike, he flew backwards and spat out blood. He collapsed in the midst of the burning grass, and spat out another mouthful of blood.

With the situation like that, he knew it was not looking good for him. He quickly scurried up and tried to escape.

Woof! Minion jumped out from somewhere and pinned him on the ground.

"Mongrel, you really know how to steal my thunder!" Ding Hao scolded before landing a few fists on the back of the man's head. He bled profusely and stopped breathing.

"Not everyone can be your stepping stone!" Ding Hao spat, before launching another punch on the man's broken head. He was beyond dead.

This was the first time Ding Hao had killed someone since coming to this world, but he did not feel too much. He came to this world obsessed with cultivation, it was killed or be killed, so he had long since prepared for it! 

When he was talking to Liu Yun Kun, the man had said that Jizhou Academy's disciples would all have to head out for experience every three levels they cultivated. In truth, it was just killing all sorts of evil cultivators outside the city, such as the ones who followed the demonic path, ghost path, devil path and blood path. Only after killing at least one of them would one be considered a true inner disciple. 

"Killing their way into acknowledgement, even the ones on the righteous path are like this! It seems like I should be acknowledged as well!"

After Ding Hao said that, he immediately looted the man's storage pouch, including stripping his underarmor. Ding Hao was delighted when he realized the man was actually wearing a moderate-grade armor! 

"This should be a snow silkworm armor, it's worth at least two hundred Yuan stones!" 

After that, Xiao Lin threw the man's corpse into the sea of flames. It would burn until it was unrecognizable after a while.

The flames would attract someone over at any time, Xiao Lin looked around and waved to Minion, "Mongrel, follow me into the forest!"

"Woof woof!" Minion was not happy being called a mongrel. 

Xiao Lin stopped at a small creek in the forest. His Tengjia Grass had already begun to fall off, so he just tossed it aside before sitting on a large rock at the creek. 

There were a lot of black bugs crawling on the floor. Ding Hao kicked them away and unloaded everything from the man's storage pouch. 

The white-faced man sold black cloaks for a living, so his moderate grade storage pouch was stuffed with black cloaks. Ding Hao noticed that a few of those cloaks had a talisman on them. It was obvious they were the cloaks he had tampered with.

The cloaks were not that valuable, but Ding Hao did not throw them away, stuffing them all into his own storage pouch. 

After that, he held the high grade hand crossbow. 

"This is not bad!" Ding Hao had an excited look on his face. The crossbow looked very refined, and could load up to five arrows at once, it was quite powerful. The only problem was the white-faced man had used lower quality arrows, which would go blunt after just one shot.

"If the arrows were a bit more powerful, my armoire might not have stopped them!"

There were thirty arrows left, and the hand crossbow became another one of Ding Hao's weapons.

The man also had fifty Yuan stones in his pouch, as well as two small bottles, two small boxes and a human-skin mask. 

"Bast*rd, he even had a human-skin mask. He probably routinely killed people. I wonder why he did not wear one when he tried to kill me."

The man would normally wear the mask when he did things like this, but he did not do it this time because he felt like Ding Hao's cultivation was too low. 

"This will be very useful for me!"

He opened the two smaller boxes, they were both Concentrated Green Pills, which were probably being smuggled by the man.

The one which sparked Ding Hao's interest were the two small bottles. The bottles had the words, 'eye cleaning liquid' on them! 

"What exactly is an eye cleaning liquid?" Ding Hao checked before nodding, "I see, it's used to wash your eyes. After that, anyone can look at another party's cultivation without even using any skills. The higher grade the liquid was, the higher the level of cultivation it can discern."

"I see, now I can check on some other person's cultivation. 

Ding Hao was happy, no wonder these people wanted to kill others to steal their stuff. The man was right, killing was the best business!

"Minion come here, open your eyes."

Ding Hao was quite shameless, he did not dare to use the liquid on himself yet, so he used Minion as his guinea pig. If Minion was fine after that, then Ding Hao would wash both his eyes with one bottle. He would be able to see anyone below Innate Stage level seven after that.

He would either sell or give away the other bottle. 

"What a great profit."

Ding Hao spent thirty Yuan stones on his Tengjia Grass, but he got back an armor worth two hundred Yuan stones, a hand crossbow worth a hundred and fifty, and fifty physical Yuan stones. There was even the eye cleaning liquid and Concentrated Green Pills along with the human-skin mask, it was about three to five hundred Yuan stones in profit!

He stored everything in his own storage pouch and threw away the white-faced man's. At his level of cultivation, having two storage pouches would only invite trouble. 

After that, he wore the human-skin mask and suddenly turned into a yellow-faced man. He then hung the white-faced man's card on his waist, "Mi Yunjing, what an unique name."

After that, DIng Hao looked at the map he had in hand. 

He was actually quite confident, or he would not have dared to venture into Indigenous City alone. That was because the city was not far away, it was just a day by foot, and he was already halfway there.

"Indigenous City, here I come!"