Minion Awakens

How unfortunate, the hunter did not expect the grave he was digging to actually be his grave in the end.

After Ding hao killed the hunter, he showed some compassion and did not let his corpse rot in the wild. Ding Hao dragged the corpse back and buried him with his dog. 

After the battle, Ding Hao felt he had suffered some great losses. 

Minion sustained a heavy injury, he used up two Concentrated Green Pills, and even used up fifteen of his arrows. However, the hunter's storage pouch was practically empty. All it had were some broken Yuan stones, an old long bow, a moderate grade knife, a manual. The only thin Ding Hao had any hope for were a few white stone-like objects. 

"These stones are quite irregularly shaped. They are the size of finger tips, but the spiritual energy inside seems quite intense." Ding Hao checked and found that he could absorb some spiritual energy from inside.

The spiritual energy inside the stones were quite strange, and could not be used to cultivate himself. He felt like there was bloodlust and wild killing intent coming from within. After a while, Ding Hao's body suddenly grew a lot of long hair-like furs, shocking him.

He quickly transferred all the spiritual energy into the energy absorption stone. 

"These grey stones, I don't think I can use them. They're probably only good to be absorbed by the energy absorption stone."

The hunter's belongings were not that valuable, but Ding Hao still kept the longbow. That thing shoots very far, much further than his hand crossbow. He kept the moderate grade knife as well, as for the willow-leaf saber, he threw it away. 

The only other other thing that gave Ding Hao some consolation was the battered and old manual. In this world, the more valuable skills and manuals would be stored in places like the City Lord's Residence for ease of passing it down. However, some people would write their skills on books in order to pass it down to certain people.

Normally, these manuals that are passed down to the public are more generalized skills. However, there are also some more mysterious ones, such as demonic arts and the like.

The hunter's manual is a skill called 'Beast Shadow Arts', on the first page was written, "Most suitable for beast-type celestial genes, elemental celestial genes are reasonable as well, ineffective for item-type celestial genes. After cultivating to the maximum, your body will be like a shadow beast, blurry and not easy to catch."

Ding hao was quite happy since he had the growth type blaze beast, which is still considered a beast-type celestial gene, so he can cultivate it. When he tried to shoot at the hunter earlier, he felt the hunter's footwork was quite good, it was probably due to this skill.

Ding Hao prepared to head into Indigenous City as he flipped through the manual. 

He was quite close to Indigenous City. Not long after he started walking, Ding Hao suddenly felt Minion moving around in the storage pouch.

"Are you awake?"

Ding Hao happily retrieved Minion. He did not expect a ray of spiritual energy to suddenly shoot out from Minion about four or five meters tall before dispersing.

Ding Hao had seen so much of that scene!

"How is this possible!" Ding Hao looked at Minion who was lying on the floor with a look of shock.

Minion looked like he had just awakened, "Did Minion manage to awaken after swallowing those two Concentrated Green Pills?"

Ding hao had only heard of humans awakening before, never of a dog.

Awakening was best done with the help of Heaven's Will. 

However, this was outside of Heaven's Will, so Minion could only rely on himself! This would make it much harder, but when Minion unleashed the signal, there were faint trails of spiritual energy being absorbed toward him.

"It would seem like awakening can be done without the Heaven's Will System. The only problem is, the spiritual energy in the air here is so different from what is in the Heaven's Will System, I wonder if Minion can succeed." Ding Hao broke out in sweat. 

Awakening would take some time, and can not be disrupted, so Ding Hao had to protect Minion.

Ding Hao had a surge of worry, what would he do if someone passed by?

"If it comes to it, I'll have to fight!" Ding Hao clenched his fists. 

Thankfully, Minion seemed to have quite good luck as no one passed by. After awhile, Minion's body floated in the air and a faint spiritual shadow appeared.

"Success!" Ding Hao had a happy look on his face as he looked at the image, "His celestial gene is forming! What is it?"

The image slowly turned into a human figure.

The figure was not very clear, but Ding Hao felt like it looked like himself.

"Me?" Ding Hao did not know what to say, he actually became someone else's celestial gene, which was something he never would have expected. However, dogs are extremely loyal, and their owners are everything to them, so it was not that strange to imagine. 

Ding Hao wondered what sort of skills Minion would have with him as the celestial gene.

After Minion formed his celestial gene, his wounds got better as well. Most of the spiritual energy had been used to treat his wounds. Minion actually manifested an extremely small yuandan, but it was more than enough for a dog. 

"Woof woof." Minion climbed up and circled Ding Hao fondly.

"Looks like there's nothing too special." DIng Hao pet Minion, finding nothing too different in Minion after he awakened.

However, Ding Hao did not expect Minion to hear him and nod before saying, "Yup."

Ding Hao almost fell over in shock, he exclaimed, "What that you who said yup just now?"

Minion said it again before Ding Hao dared to believe it. 

It was way too shocking, Ding Hao gaped for a good while before laughing and patting Minion's head.

"Woof" and "Yup" were both monosyllabic, but the meaning was absolutely different! "Woof" was something every dog knew, but "Yup" was a form of speech. Ding Hao had never heard of a dog that could speak!

"Do you know how to say anything else?"

Ding Hao wanted to have another friend who could talk, but other than "yup", Minion did not seem to know anything else. However, there seemed to be a strange feeling to his barks.

"It's fine, it's not that easy to learn how to talk. Children only learn how to at three years old, and parrots can take up to 180 days to learn. Some day, I will train you until you can speak normally!"

Minion said yup once again, and it sounded a bit like an old man who had phlegm in his throat.

"Your voice sounds so bad." Ding Hao laughed and said, "Don't 'yup' around when there are outsiders nearby." Minion being able to speak was way too shocking, he did not want anyone else to know for now.

Minion nodded, not saying anything.

Ding Hao said, "When you're free you should train your tongue. Yeah, the first words I'll teach you are… I got it, 'motherf*cker'! That's what my old home used the most." Ding Hao was quite the troublemaker, making the first word Minion learned a curse word.

"Woof woof woof woof!"


"Woof woof woof woof!"

"Mo… ther… f*ck… er!"

"Woof… woof… woof… woof!"

This dangerous encounter allowed Minion to awaken, so it was a blessing in disguise.

However, this incident caused Ding hao to realize he needed to be more careful! Just like that hunter, the people here could look very kind hearted, but when faced with gold and treasures, anyone could get blinded by greed. 

When evening came, the sky broke out into a dizzle. 

Ding hao finally reached the edge of the forest, and a large, grey city could be seen in the horizon. In the drizzle, the city looked very rundown. The city walls had all sorts of wear and tear, and various vines grew on the worlds.

In between the walls and the forest was a vast expansive plains. Even grass did not grow on it. If Ding Hao walked out, he would be seen immediately. 

"Calm down." Ding Hao did not rush out. He put on a raincoat. The raincoats here were like two grass boards on the back and front, stacked on your shoulders. He took out the manual and read it, learning that there were four city gates. The northern one was close to the Duanmu family, and there was a large forest outside. It was easy for evil practitioners to enter there, and most righteous practitioners avoided it.

"The northern gates are close by, but it seems very dangerous, out of the question! Of the other three gates, the southern one seems to be near the Shang family, so I'll enter there."

Thinking of that, Ding Hao spent some time and walked to the southern gate.

After waiting for a while, he noticed a team of merchants walking on the main road. Ding Hao followed behind, but he did not dare to get too close to the group.

When he reached the southern entrance, he noticed a few fierce looking guys with the word "Tang" on their chests checking various identity cards with weapons in hand.

"What's with today? We've never been checked at the gates before?" Someone asked curiously from the group of merchants.

One of the men says, "We received some orders today, so we had no choice. Who would want to stay outside in this rain?"

Ding Hao stood behind and wondered if the checks were for himself. Zhou Genwei definitely joined forces with the young prince! That hateful prine, he had no real grudges against the guy, but the prince kept causing him trouble!

The group of merchants all went in after being checked. Ding Hao got nervous. Even if he had changed his look, some things were still hard to fake. 

It quickly got to Ding Hao's turn, and the Tang Family men lazily said, "Card."

Ding Hao did not say anything, raising the card on his waist, "Mi Yunjing."

"Go ahead." That man did not suspect anything, since they were looking for a fifteen year old teen, and not a yellow-faced man.

However, another younger man said, "Hey, you came to deal here even at Innate Stage level three?"

With that, the earlier man widened his eyes. Their target was also someone at level three! Capturing that piece of trash would earn them two hundred Yuan stones."

Those men started to surround him, and Ding Hao laughed awkwardly, grabbing a few black cloaks from his storage pouch, "Sirs, I'm just a humble man who makes these things for a living. Please understand."

They measured Ding Hao for a while and could not find any flaws, so one of them said, "Just go in. Innate Stage level three, what guts."

Ding Hao was relieved, and walked into the old and vast city.

"I'm finally here! Haha, Shang family chain store, it's time for me to shop!"