I Won’t Leave So Easily

The weather was torrential in the outer territories. The rain poured and the entire ruined city was covered in heavy rain and wind, the sky was dark. 

In Tuoba Tavern, one of the few pubs in Indigenous City. 

The tavern was made of wood, but it did not have any walls. Most of the customers sat cross-legged on next to bodhi trees, and underneath the trees were planks hung on the tree bark. You could see the rain water pouring past, and the outside was barely visible through the rain. The violent wind was even blowing through the tavern, but all of the customers here were either celestials or strong Innate Stage practitioners, so it did not affect them too much.

There weren't any particular delicacies here, and mainly braised meat was served. They had braised woolly monster meat, braised armored rhinoceros meat, and various other meats Ding Hao could not put a name on, the tastes were more or less the same. 

Ding Hao looked at the bug eating plants growing on the cracks of the floorboard, and looked at the prices on the menu, saying, "It's quite expensive here. A piece of braised woolly monster meat costs one Yuan stone, in the outskirts, this would be enough to buy an entire animal."

Boss Shang smiled, "In the large outer territories, this is one of the only places with alcohol, so it would obviously be expensive."

Ding Hao released his dog, saying, "Minion, the meat here is expensive, why don't you try some as well."

Minion was very smart, and would absolutely not speak in this environment as it lowered its head to eat.

Boss Shang often went to the Ding house, so he recognised the dog as well. He patted Minion's head as he said, "Young Master Ding, could you help me bring some stuff to Xiao Hai when you head back?"

He produced a small bag, saying, "Tell him to listen to you more and cultivate properly. Fight for the right to test into the top one hundred, so he can get into Jiuzhou Academy. It would do me proud as well."

"Very well." Ding Hao kept the bag. 

At that time, a strange looking man with black flowers tattooed over his face appeared. The man was in his thirties, and carried around a large gourd of alcohol. He seemed to be quite popular, as well the customers stood up and greeted him.

Boss Shang whispered, "That's the boss here, Tuoba." 

As he said that, Boss Tuoba walked over, upon seeing Ding Hao he said, "A fresh face, and only Innate Stage level three. Very good, let me offer you a toast."

Ding Hao held his cup up, but it was snatched away by Boss Shang and poured out, before he offered it to Tuoba.

Tuoba smiled, "You must be really new to not know my rules here." After that, he poured alcohol from his large guard into Xiao Lin's cup, filling it to the brim before laughing, "When I offer a toast, you must drink from my own alcohol!"

"Come." Ding Hao downed the drink in one go before widening his eyes.

He had never drank anything like that before. It went down like a ball of fire, and then it spread out rapidly, turning into uncountable flame like spiritual energies, dispersing into the meridians of the entire body. It felt incredibly good.

"Very good!" ding Hao praised, and hurriedly got up intending to flash his waist card. In Jiuzhou, showing the other party your card was a sign of respect.

However, Boss Tuoba let out an easygoing laugh, "Young genius, just remain seated." After saying that, be patted Ding Hao before busying himself elsewhere. 

With what he said, Ding Hao was shocked, 'Boss Tuoba is something else. He managed to tell at a glance that my actual identity isn't a yellow-faced man, but a teenage genius.'

Boss Shang did not notice that detail, he could only admiringly say, "Boss Tuoba has a rare alcoholic celestial gene, so he brews very good alcohol. Every person would be able to drink his Flower Phantom Wine the first time they came into his shop, but it would only be offered once."

"I see." Ding Hao felt that Tuoba had quite the personality. He suddenly remembered the woman he met on the road, so he asked, "His face…"

Boss Shang said, "I've heard that Boss Tuoba was once on the path of evil cultivation when he was young, and was a monster cultivator. The marks on his face are made to control and train monsters. However, he's changed his ways, and even obtained a pass from Jiuzhou Academy. He opened this tavern in Indigenous City, but he's actually a celestial in the middle stages of the Energy Forging Stage!"

"Energy Forging Stage." No wonder he saw through Ding Hao's disguise. He took another drink and said, "I met a woman on the road as well, with her face full of red and black flowers, even more than on Boss Tuoba's face."

"Monster cultivator!" Boss Shang said in shock, "Are you alright?"

Ding Hao said, "I was quite surprised when she suddenly appeared. However, she did not attack me, and smiled at me before leaving."

Boss Shang calmed down, saying, "There are all sorts of evil cultivators in the outer territories, killing people to offer to monsters and devils, killing people to gain ghosts, killing people to turn into demons, they are all very cruel. She probably let you off because of your low cultivation, or maybe she has other intentions!"

"Really?" Ding Hao thought and said, "However, if it's like that, she did not need to smile and console me before going into the darkness of the forest by her own will. I did not feel that she had any evil intentions. It was actually the righteous hunter that met me later on who wanted to kill me and steal Minion. To be honest, I feel like some righteous practitioners are not even as noble as evil ones…"

"You absolutely can not have those thoughts!" Boss Shang hurriedly interrupted, "It's fine if you say that here, but if you say it within Heaven's Will, you might be considered an evil practitioner! If you really say it too much, Heaven's Will would take effect on you, causing you to only be able to stay outside of it in the future! Even your descendants would be unable to enter!"

"That powerful!" Ding Hao was shocked. He did not expect Heaven's Will to even be able to spy on everyone. He had two mouthfuls of alcohol before saying, "Since evil practitioners are so bad, why do some people not learn righteous cultivation methods, and choose to use evil ones instead?"

Boss Shang shook his head, "That, I do not know."

Boss Tuoba suddenly appeared next to them, saying, "The answer is obvious…"

Ding Hao and Boss Shang noticed Tuoba was there, and hurriedly got up.

Minion also finally noticed him and started barking. 

"Minion." Ding Hao motioned for him to be quiet.

Tuoba did not say more, but looked at a corner. Ding Hao turned to that direction, and saw mud underneath the floorboards. There were some bug eating plants growing out from underneath, revealing themselves through the cracks of the floorboard. 

Underneath the floorboards, the streams of water formed by the rain were like a small river. A lot of bugs had to climb up along the bug eating plants to prevent themselves from being washed away. However, the moment they reached the peak, the bug eating grass would open its mouth and eat the bugs.

Boss Shang said, "These bugs are really stupid, climbing up with so much effort only to be eaten by some plants." 

Boss Tuoba said, "They aren't stupid, some animals are much smarter than humans! Sometimes, there's only one path ahead of you. Following it would lead to death, but not following it would cause you to die as well. If it were the two of you, which would you choose?"

After saying that, Tuoba poured another cup of Flower Phantom Wine for Ding Hao before wandering away, showing a mysterious figure.

Boss Shang was shocked, "Young Master Ding, Boss Tuoba actually poured you a second cup! This sort of special treatment… He must have seen that you're a superior level one genius!" 

Ding Hao knew that Boss Tuoba did not pour him that second cup because he was a genius, but rather because he said earlier, "Some righteous practitioners are not even as noble as evil ones."

Ding Hao took up the second cup and slowly tasted it. He turned back to look at the bugs in the corner, and had a different feeling from earlier. Who knew what the bugs felt in their hearts, if people could choose, who would willingly walk on the path of evil cultivation!

Boss Tuoba was right, sometimes, there was only one path in front of a person, how could they choose?

Ding Hao was speechless, there was always the chance a choice like that appeared in front of anyone, Ding Hao hoped he would never have to choose.

However, that vast, dark nebulous celestial gene of his seemed to hide a darkness within. 

A flash of thunder suddenly lit up the whole Indigenous City.

A graceful woman ran into the tavern, searching around before locating Ding Hao and Boss Shang.

"Manager Shang Pei, I've finally found you."

It was Manager Shang Yun, who was in charge of the weapons counter. Her face was full of rainwater as she wore a panicked expression.

Boss Shang asked, "Manager Shang Yun, you…"

Shang Yun said, "The Tang Family store brought a large amount of men over earlier, blocking the entrances of the store asking for you. They said you were harboring a fugitive, and wanted us to hand the man over!" She said that and looked at Ding Hao, "Maybe… They are talking about Master Mi…"

"This…" Boss Shang had a horrified look, he did not think the Tang Family would be so bold. 

Ding Hao's expression changed, he stood up and said, "That's right, the one they want is I!" 

Shang Yun said, "They still don't know you're here, you should leave quickly." 

Boss Shang said, "No! They must have locked away the southern, western and eastern gates! If he leaves now, it would be certain death!"

Shang Yun said, "However, staying here would be certain death as well. They would quickly find out your location."

Boss Shang said, "Let me go ask the head shopkeeper for help!"

Shang Yun said, "That's useless! The head is not willing to protect him, he only told him to hurry up and escape! He refused to let me bring the man back!"

Boss Shang was about to continue, but Ding Hao said, "Stop fighting. Relax, I won't bring any trouble to your business. I will leave now!"

Boss Shang said, "How will you leave? You're only at Innate Stage level three, and all the city gates have been sealed. You have no way out!" 

At that time, Boss Tuoba walked over, patting Ding Hao while saying, "Young man, I quite like you. They can seal the southern, western and eastern gates, but they would not be able to touch the northern gate." Saying that, he retrieved a strange smelling flower seed from his storage pouch, "Take this and head out the northern gate. All of them have to give me some face."

Ding Hao nodded, and retrieved his waist card from his storage pouch, flashing it to Tuoba and Shang Yun, before saying, "I am Ding Hao of Wuzhou, I will definitely repay you in the future."

He showed his real card, and both Shang Yun and Tuoba showed theirs as well. So Tuoba's full name was Tuoba Ye, and Shang Yun's card was a vibrant five colors, it seemed that everyone had their secrets. 

Boss Shang advised, "Alright, this is not the time to talk about that. The Tang Family is powerful, you need to leave quickly!" 

Boom! Thunder could once again be heard above them, Ding Hao's figure escaped from the tavern. 

He ran toward the northern gate on the main road, but when he reached a crossroads, he moved abruptly, "Beast Shadow Arts"! He then slipped into the ruins! 

He did not escape from the northern gate! 

He had another plan!

"Tang Family, haha, I won't leave so easily!"