
After Raven fell asleep and I let her sleep, I thought that she needs it. I carried her towards her room and placed her down, but when I was about to let go of her she was holding my hand tightly. "Guess I'll be staying here," I said then I told the System to sync the Zeno Template.

{Congrats Host for permanently gaining Zeno's abilities}

'Can you show me my Status as well' I asked


Name: Evan Kent

Age: 28

State: Godly

Biologically: New God

Abilities: Energy Generation, Zeno's Abilities, Create, Travel, Sync}

I created a chair waiting and thinking about what should be my next step. I spent a couple of hours into it without noticing the time that has passed. I also created stuff while I was thinking like an ice cream cone, and let me tell you it tasted delicious. Anyway after a while, Raven started to stir awake, "So you finally decided to wake up?" I asked. "Well, a lot has happened, so sorry for falling asleep" Raven said, "Well, looking at the time I gotta get going," I said.

Raven looked a little sad that I was leaving, "Wanna come?" I asked, she then looked at me quickly and hoped that what I said wasn't a joke. "Really?" Raven asked, "Yeh, it's not like I'm gonna go do a dangerous adventure that may kill us, I'm just going back home," I said.

Anyway, with all that said and done, we walked out of the room to find an area to set up the portal. "This seems like a good area," I said, I then created a portal to the Watchtower knowing it should be complete. "Ahh Home Sweet Home," I said, "Raven welcome to my home planet," I said to Raven. I then walked up towards the command center and noticed no one was at the Watchtower at the time.

"Raven, when people show up don't be too defensive they are friendly okay?" I said to Raven, "Yeh I got it, I won't attack when I see them" she said. I then typed something into the computer and typed code_hijack_drill_start. [Calling all Justice League, An Invader has Entered The Watchtower] with that alert going off the team should be here in a sec. With that second I put on a disguise, which was wearing a hooded robe.

The first ones to show up were Batman and Lucas, after that the rest showed up immediately. "Who are you?" Batman asked gruffly, "I am someone that you may know," I said mysteriously towards them. I then pulled off my hood showing Me!!! "EVAN!!!!" the people who knew me yelled, "The one and only," I said.

"Ahh it's nice to see you guys again, even if it's been a couple of hours for me," I said, "What do you mean a couple of hours," Batman said. "Well I passed out so time was irrelevant," I said, "Makes sense," Lucas said. "Anyway, how have y'all been doing?" I asked, "Well besides missing you we have been protecting Earth from dangers," Diana/Wonder Women said.

"Sorry about that by the way didn't mean to disappear from you guys," I said apologetically, "Oh let me introduce you to my friend over here. Her name is Raven daughter of the now dead Trigon" I introduced Raven

"WAIT, Did you say Trigon!?" A Magician Girl said, "Yeh, he was a big troublemaker so I had to make him go bye-bye" I said simply. "What do you mean by making him go bye-bye," Batman said, "Oh I just erased him," I said. "Also Clark you have grown little bro," I said, "What do you mean by erased, Evan?" Clark asked trying to ignore the questioning stares he was getting from the new heroes of the Justice League.

"Uh, I got more powerful than I expected and now am a God of Creation and Destruction," I said and they looked quite shell-shocked about that, "So I kinda erased Trigon from existing in this Universe," I said finally answering Clark's question. Diana then walked up to me and slapped me, then she hugged me saying she missed me, "Sorry someone had to send Darkseid back and Lucas was too young to be hurled into space" I said simply. "I know, but I am so glad to have you back," Diana said, Raven came between me and Diana interrupting the hug. "Hi, I'm Raven nice to meet you," Raven said with a not-so-friendly voice, this is gonna be a long day, isn't it?

"Hello Raven, I'm Diana, but people call me Wonder Women," Diana said with a strained voice, both were looking at each other and I swear I saw sparks between them. I interrupted their stare-off and went between them, "So uhh Lucas how is it with your two girlfriends ahh?" I asked Lucas, "Oh I have 3 actually" Lucas responded. I was shocked, to say the least, "Who is the third?" I asked

"Oh it's Thea," Lucas said, "You know what, that makes sense," I said. I then asked them what happened while I was gone, and they said when the age of Heroes came so did Villains, they then started telling me about what they had been through especially Diana. I noticed she wanted to talk privately, so I asked if Diana and I could go for a bit.

"Better Not Do Anything," Raven said, " Yeh I know," I said. After walking toward the living quarters of the WatchTower we started talking, "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked. "I. I just wanted to say how much I missed you and-"


That's it for this chapter sorry for taking forever, been pretty busy these days y'know doing stuff and all that welp anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and Piece