434 | Gao Xuan's advice

"What happened?" Gao Xuan frowned at Ye Tian Yun, noticing his silence.

Ye Tian Yun turned his head at him, and after another moment of thought, he revealed, "I am sure by now you must have found out that there's a hidden array on the Second Peak that is thoroughly suppressing the aura from that place. And the only way of bypassing this array is to find the entrance of that array."

"Duh, yeah, Do you know the entrance of that array?" Gao Xuan asked.

Ye Tian Yun lightly nodded his head, "More or less, yeah. I know that the entrance is somewhere on the stairway connecting the Resource Hall at the Base of First Peak to the Grand Meeting Hall at the top of the First Peak."

"Hm? The entrance is on the First Peak while the array is on the Second Peak?" This news came as a surprise even for Gao Xuan.

Ye Tian Yun lightly nodded.