
My name is Tokoyama Satski, a 25 year old woman and as of now I have gotten everything I've ever wanted.

I was born into a normal family as an only child. My early childhood was quite normal. Normal parents, normal living conditions and a normal family income. Thing started to take a turn however when I was 9. My dad found out my mom had been cheating on him, but since he was kind of weak of heart, he forgave her, after she pleaded him and apologized.

After that however, dad started coming home late, drunk as a donkey, periodically. My parents started constantly fighting and our monetary situation started to take a plunge since dad was the main earner.

2 years went by and things escalated. Dad started to get physical with us, mom was constantly crying and the situation worsened.

A year after that mom dissapeared and we got an eviction notice for the house. My father looked horrible after that and we moved to a dual room rental apartment. Turns out mom took a loan with the house as collateral and bailed.

That's when shit really hit the fan. Father started to appear only once in a while at home 2-3 times a week. He transformed from a normal father that used to laugh and joke with me, to a demon that would only drink and take out his frustrations on me.

I developed social anxiety and started isolating myself as a result. And because I was radiating weakness I started to get bullied at school as well.

A few years went by. When I was 14 and walking home from school in the evening, all dirty from getting bullied. I heard a thud from my left as I had reached the front of my apartment building. When I looked to my left I felt something break inside me. I saw my father splatted on the side walk. Everything went black and the next thing I remember was being under child protection and being put in an orphanage.

From there only rage remained. I started fighting every day. I beat up the bullies from school, stole their money, just stole in general. Started abusing other kids, home invasion, drugs, armed robbery, unliceneced driving, attrmpted suicide a few times and more. I got involved with gangs when i was 16. Got my first kill when I was 17 and got drugged and raped when I was 18.

That was probably the lowest point, when I regained clarity and understood what happened. I flew in a rage. I Tracked down anyone remotely related to the situation and tortured and killed them. A total of 23 people were brutally tortured and killed. Most of them were not really directly involved but I didn't care.

After that I no longer wanted to live in this shit so I started to look for a way out. I started learning internet marketing and within 2 years, I made my first online business.

I was also taking martial arts classes and working out. At age 23 I was pretty much finacially free, I could do what I wanted. That's when I really started to become satisfied. And at age 25 you could say I was happy. No longer living in that darkness, my friends were cool and weren't pshycos. I had many awesome experiences. Had a few boyfriends and girlfriends that didn't randomly beat you or yell at you. I was pretty much free from the negativity from my earlier years.

And then, one day. Leaving home to catch a plane, It started to get really bright for some reason. Looking down at the source of the light I saw a glowing circle with what must've been runes. In an absolute horrific confusion I froze and next thing I knew I was standing In a big room that looked like a medival cathedral with 9 other people and a woman In robes smiling at me.

"What the fuck?"