Hate filled eyes

I walk towards the pubs toilet and loiter around there, waiting for her to come out. I don't wait long, after a few minutes, she comes out.

"Oh Valia, you want to use the bathroom too?" she sees me and asks.

"No, I was waiting for you girl." I take her by the hand and lead her to a corner of the pub. Right now is the evening, so there are a lot of people here.

"What are we doing here Valia?" She asks curiously.

"Talking of course." I sit down on a couch and pull her on my lap facing me. I stare at her, wipe her hair behind her ear and then kiss her. She is suprised by the kiss, but quickly starts kissing me back and hugs me. We kiss for a bit and then I pull away.

'So submissive'

"Not here, lets go back to the table."

We walk back to the table and continue talking. As I finish my bottle, I excuse me and Christina from the table, saying we are leaving. I grab Christinas hand and stand up, starting to walk away. I feel someones hand grabbing mine and stopping me.

"Where do you think you're taking her." Asks Sol with a frown.

I flash my fangs in a bloodthirsty smile, shake off her hand and passive aggresively say

"Don't worry pretty angel, I'll be sure to take her to heaven."

We start walking toward the exit and I glance back to see if the angel is gonna do something. But she just sits there looking down and then turns back toward the table. We leave the pub and walk towards the inn where Christinas room is at.

Sol's POV.

I've always been taught by my parents that demons are evil and they hold terrible powers.

I come from a small rural village. I have 2 brothers and a younger sister. My father is a hunter and my mother makes clothes and light armour.

When we were children, our father taught us to fight and hunt, but I never showed any talent in hunting, unlike my 2 brothers. My sister wanted to be like mother so she didn't participate in training and our parents were fine with that.

When I grew up, the village life started to become boring to me, I wanted more and I wanted to fight. So I decided to leave the village and become an adventurer.

The start was rough, I was all alone, had little money and had to work menial tasks to support myself. After a while I became stronger and started to make more money. Then it started snowballing, the more money I made, the stronger I became and the stronger I became the more money I made. But I was still alone. Alone killing monsters and doing my quests. I don't have a talkative personality so I find it hard to make friends.

One day, when I was accepting a quest in the guild. A handsome human man came up and said.

"Hey, I've seen you around often. You're always alone, It's really dangerous to be alone out there. We just took a subjugation quest why don't you come with us and see if you'd like to join my party. Oh my name is Xander by the way."

The man seemed friendly and a bit quirky. I was used to doing things alone, but when I met his party, they were all friendly and respectful towards me, so i thought I'd try.

After that mission I decided to join their party. Xanders party was full of nice people and he always managed it well, giving loot and pay fairly. They were all good friend with eachother and they didn't have conflicts, which was rare.

I eventually became friends with them. Me and Xander were the strongest people in the party, so Xander named me vice-leader, so that if anything happened to him, I would take command and everyone was okay with that.

One thing I noticed is that sometimes Xander is a bit too friendly, which I have to look out for so that he won't bring in troublesome people.

We came back to the city of Alba, where most of us live, after a very successful dungeon run. The yield from the dungeon was immense, bringing us many riches, so all of us were in a festive mood.

Xander brought us into a pub named "Golden Silver" to celebrate and we all agreed.

As we got there, we were joking around and laughing. I was having a good time, until Xander came back with our beers. When I looked at him I saw a demon beside him, my smile dropped immediately.

This was exactly one of those time Xander was too friendly. To bring a demon to us, especially a vile one like that nymph. The others didn't think much about it and gave friendly smiles, since she was beautiful.

The nymph sat down next to me and quickly started befriending everyone. I decided to just ignore her since Xander said she is a mercenary and will leave soon, so there is no reason to ruin the party even if a vile demoness is participating.

The digusting nymph started to engage Christina quite often. Christina was quite welcoming toward her. She is young and very friendly toward people in general, so it's not suprising, but the nymph also started touching her quite often. She probably doesn't know how predatory the vile nymph race is, so I kept giving hints to Xander to stop her.

However Xander just smiled at me with a knowing look and continued as usual. Eventually that nymph gave an excuse to leave and grabbed the young Christina by the hand. I was reaching my boiling point, so as she was starting to walk away, I grabbed the demon by the hand and decided to stop her from preying on my party member.

She flashed her fangs and responded provocativly. The message was clear, if I want to stop her, I have to beat her up.

She shook off my hand and left with Christina. I was angry that I was the only one trying to stop her, so I adressed Xander.

"Why did you let Christina go with that nymph. You know what they are, hmph."

Xander stopped laughing and looked at me seriously.

"Sol I know what she is, but they aren't gonna do anything bad. It's not like Valia is gonna hurt her, It's just a bit of fun. Why are you so against her."

The drunk tank also pitched in.

"Ho ho ho, Christina is getting lucky tonight. I had a nymph in my younger days, before I was married of course and boy, I still remember it hohoho."

"Hmph, if anything happens to her it'll be your responsibility." I point at Xander and leave the pub, going home to my house.

Before I left I heard Xander muttering.

"Man, what does she have against demons."

Valia's POV.

We're walking toward the inn, holding hands. Christina is blabbering about, telling me that she is gonna buy a house with all the money that she made.

"You know I have been saving up for a long time. Most of our party is already living in a house and is married. The only one that's still single is me and Sol. You have to come visit, when I get my own house."

"Of course dear. I'll visit you anytime you want." I grab her by the waist and whisper in her ear. She reddens and asks self-consiously.

"Are you sure you just want to stay over to sleep?"

"Oh what do you have in mind." I ask back with a smirk.

"Well, we can k-kiss if you want." She looks down and says in a small voice.

"Hahahaha, sooo innocent. Sure I don't mind." She looks at me and gives me a shy smile.

'Haha, man kiss? I'm about to fuck you raw little girl.'

We walk and talk until we reach the inn and go to her room. Her room is simple, it has a bedroom and a shower meant for one person.

"Let's take a bath together."

I start walking toward the bathroom, swaying my hips alluringly and reach out to her.

"Come on."

The bath is simple, it uses a device holding a water and fire crystal to produce warm water and directs it through a tube with a shower head. Alltogether, it's close to a modern bathroom, except it uses magic to produce the same effects.

We get undressed and wash up. Then we get in the bath with me sitting between her legs, leaning my back against Christinas chest. I take her hands and put them around me. We just sit in the warm water relaxing in silence. Until Christina asks softly.

"Valia why don't you become an adventurer and join our party. Then we would see each other every day."

"Nah, I already decided to become a mercenary and I'm not changing it." I casually respond with my eyes closed.

"But I heard that being a mercenary is much more dangerous. It's much more chaotic and you fight in wars and stuff. You could easily die." She says in a worried tone, gripping me harder against her.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I pull my loose long black hair to the side and nuzzle my nose against her cheek. I then stand up and start drying myself.

"Come on, let's go to bed."