
I wake up feeling very well rested. The two little kittens are sleeping on top of me. It is still night, so I probably wasn't out for that long.

'Soul bonds huh. Now I can't have them die on me no matter what. I don't know what losing a piece of your soul does, but I don't want to find out.'

I check my status.

[Name] - Valia Raid

[Race] - Nymph

[Racial ranking] - Low

[Class] - Euphemia

[Level] - 36

[Exp] - 10,297 [385,700]

[Body condition] - Elite

[Mana Core condition] - Elite

[Soul bond] - Hecate, Aurora

HP - 15,820

MP - 19,850

Strenght - 1622

Defence - 1220

Agility - 1620

Vitality - 1582

Magic power - 1985

Mana capacity - 1985

Demonic power - 848

Soul* - 1000

Status points - 74

[Abilities] - (???*) (???*) (???*) (Demonic darkness*) (Haze eyes) (Dark phase) (Claws) (Infared vision) (Tail) (Sexual thirst) (Tongue extension) (Ultra flexibility) (Elemental magic)

[Class Skills] - (Murder) (Rampage)

[Skills] - (Parallel processing B) (Accelerated processing A) (Bloodlust C) (Stenght Z) (Agility Z) (Vitality Z) (Defence Z) (Magic power Z) (Mana capacity Z) (Broadsword Z) (Acrobatics A) (Greatsword S) (Dagger C) (Throwing Z) (Elemental magic S) (Spacial magic C) (Sexual technique B)


"Why the fuck is everything locked. Atleast there is nothing that alarming. Hmm, how can I check their statuses..."

I play around with my status screen for a bit, even though I pretty much know where to look. I do a lot of dumb shit when I'm bored.

[Name] - Aurora

[Race] - ???

[Grade] - Basic

[Level] - 1 [25]

[Exp] - 0

HP - 10

MP - 20

Strenght - 2

Defence - 1

Agility - 1

Vitality - 1

Magic power - 2

Mana capacity - 2

[Abilities] - (???*) (???*) (???*) (???*) (Fire magic*) (Light magic*) (Charm)


[Name] - Hecate

[Race] - ???

[Grade] - Basic

[Level] - 1 [25]

[Exp] - 0

HP - 10

MP - 20

Strenght - 1

Defence - 1

Agility - 2

Vitality - 1

Magic power - 2

Mana capacity - 2

[Abilities] - (???*) (???*) (???*) (???*) (???*) (Wind magic*) (Dark magic*) (Fear)


'Locked as well huh'

I go back to sleep with my 2 new kittens. In the morning I wake up and feed them and myself. After that I continue my daily routine. Right now I have no plans to get the cats to fight, I mean what can they even kill.


8 days later

I am near a town, at the spot where the mission states as the recruitment point. The weather is cloudy and everything looks bleak because of it. There is a lot of people here, most of them mercenarys.

All you have to do, is go to the guy who is behind a table under an umbrella tent and show him your mercenary guild card. He updates it and then you just wait for the deadline to end. As soon as the deadline ends, they get down to business, that's what he told me.

During the 8 days, most of the time, I spent mind numbingly hunting down monsters, one after another. I found only 1 bandit camp, but they were too strong for me to mess with. I also had a close call with a C ranked monster.

As far as the cats are concerned, they are doing great. They got their own little house now. To elaborate, when I started fighting with them in my hood, at one point they flew out. I almost died because of a heartattack. After that incident, I went straight back to Alba, sold all of my loot and had a blacksmith make me an adamantium ball essentially.

The adamantium ball can be opened the same way as visors are slided up on medival style heavy helmets. The visor also contains air holes. The inside has a super soft red bed and the rest of the metal area is also covered in super soft cushioning. The idea is, that if I have to throw them off of me immediately, they won't be hurt. The bottom of the ball also has railing, so that when you set it on the ground, it won't randomly roll.

My own little cat purse/cage, medival style. I usually carry it fastened with a belt over my sholder or as a backpack, when my sword is in my spacial pocket. Right now, it's on my back, since I won't be doing any fighting right now.

I still have 4 hours left until deadline. I find a tree and sit down under it and play with my kittens. I can also feels their emotions. It doesn't really affect me, I just know how they feel. Their emotions are really basic, as basic as you can expect from a baby.

The place I'm at now is a flat land with a few trees sparsely spread. You can see a lot of mercenarys just loitering around doing nothing in particular. Of course, me being a little girl in a group of ruffians is a rare sighting and stands out. So eventually, someone came to talk to me. A group of five, spearheaded by a woman.

"Hey, it's rare to see a woman of your stature in the mercenary business. Don't worry, I just came to talk to you because I found you interesting, I am not trying to scare you or something. My name is Raven, but you can call me Ray. I'm a Gold C- ranked merc"

She extends her hand for a handshake.

Ray is a tall woman around 185cm. She has short neck-lenght red hair and a mature pretty face with sharp features, thick eyebrows and a scar on her cheek, that reaches to her eye. She has bluish leather armour with adamantium platings here and there, that cover most of her body, except her neck. She looks to have a muscular physique but I can't quite tell how muscular. Over all she looks like an intimidating woman. She also has a greatsword strapped to her back.

I accept her handshake.

"Hey, I'm Valia. Bronze E- ranked."

When mercenarys introduce themselves, they usually include their rank with their name. I don't know why, but that's one of the things the old woman at the guild mentioned to me.

Next she looks at my cats and her face scrunches up wierdly.

"Are those your... combat pets."

Her reaction is amusing. With every word she said, she was less and less sure if what she is saying makes sense.

"No, they are just regular pets. They're cute right." I answer with a small smirk.

"Aah, yes... cute... Anyway I came to warn you. You look new and I don't want to waste your time. Be careful in the mercenary business. They don't mention this in the guild I think, but a woman, especially one of you stature, will look like a delicious and easy pray to some. Be at the wrong place, at the wrong time and you'll suffer greatly. Anyway, if you want, you can tag along with our party for the duration of this mission."

What this woman is offering me is good, but all good things come with a flipside. She doesn't seem to have any malicious intent and I don't have anything better to do, so I'll take her up on her offer.

"Alright, I'll tag along with you, red-haired Raven." I stand up and am about to shake her hand again, but her eyes widen and she freezes when she sees my tail pop out behind me.

She snaps out of it, after a moment and shakes my hand again

"This is the first time, I've seen a nymph as a mercenary. I don't really understand why you are even out on the field, but it's none of my business i guess. Just let me be clear on one thing, I am only intrested in men." She says with a serious expression. I just nonchalantly nod in response.

'It's not like I try to fuck every girl who I see, but it's good, that she told me, so I don't waste my time with her.'

"Allright. I fight as a bruiser in our groups composition. That means I'm on the frontline dealing damage and taking hits, along with the tank." She turns around and points at her companions.

"This one here is Joon. He is our tank. He is Silver D ranked." She points to a big and tall man in heavy blue mithril armour. He has a big kite shield and a broadsword. He looks two or even three times bigger than me, with his armour.

"She is our ranger, Silvia. She uses a bow and daggers, essentially our mid/close range damage dealer. She is Gold C ranked, like me." Next she points to woman wearing very light armour, that borders on looking like normal clothes. She has blond, braided, long hair and blue eyes. She is shorter than Raven and has an expressionless face.

"These are our mage and healer. The mages name is Cale, he is Silver D- ranked and he is our mid/long range damage dealer. Our healers name is Astrid, she deals with all the support spells and healing. She can also cast offensive spells. She is Silver D- ranked."

The mage looks like a handsome and thin office worker, except for the robe and staff he has on. He is a vampire and he has black hair and red eyes.

The healer is a simple looking woman with big breasts. Brown hair, dark brown eyes and also a robe and a staff.

"That's it from our end. Tell me about you." She looks back to me.

"Hmm, I specialise in close combat, while simultaneously casting spells. My weapons are my broadsword, tail and spells. I usually use my speed and precision to move around fast while striking at vitals, with my sword and tail and at the same time firing spells to other surrounding enemies."

"What kind of spells do you use?" Raven asks.

"Mostly elemental spells, I favour lightning above all." She nods at that.

"Mhm allright, well see how you fit in when we have combat. Right now we still have 3 hours left to wait, so let's rest."