Skit 5


"Dammit Long Wei!" Bohai yelled snatching his head set off and throwing it onto the bed. "This doesn't make any sense!."

"I don't see what your talking about." Long Wei grinned cheekily, also taking his head set off and brushing his hands through his messy strands or raven hair. "I'm good and your garbage. It's pretty simple and understandable."

Bohai snarled flipping his friend off. "Your such an ass."

Long Wei flipped him back. "And your such a sore loser."


Bohai quickly answered his phone seeing the caller. "Yes Shen." All his frustrations from earlier was now completely gone, a big smile appearing.

Long Wei noticed the sudden switch in attitude his lips curling up into a smirk. 'Interesting.'

After a while Bohai hung up the phone, standing up to grab his jacket. "I'm going to meet up with Shenwoo now, we'll have a rematch next time."

Long Wei shrugged nonchalantly. "Whatever floats your boat. It's not like you were ever gonna beat me anyway."

"You say that now but watch out, your gonna be eating dog shit next time."

Long Wei laughed walking his friend to his front door. "I'll be waiting."