Skit 11

A male around the age of 17 standing at 182cm had smoothly but viciously kicked a man in front of him sending him into the brick wall face first. Then skilfully, he stepped to the left tilting his head the same way, dodging a surprise attack from behind him. He inwardly smirked 'fool' seeing the attackers body close to his side he moved his elbow with swift speed and flung it back giving out a powerful force, smashing a young mans nose and jaw. He didn't stop there, grabbing their collar he under kicked with his right leg to give the right momentum to flip them over. The mans back hitting the pavement harshly, sending the air out of the lungs. As his last move with the mans arm in his grip still, he broke it. A loud crack sound echoing in the alley.

"Five down one to go." he mumbled. Some strands of moon-like silver hair clung to his delicate face. His ruby violet eyes were lively and bewitching as ever. They twinkled violently like a wild beast caged up and wanting nothing more to slaughter everything insight. His white dress shirt was missing buttons and tainted with blood that didn't belong to him.

This brutal and savage behaviour was shocking to belong to such an angelic face. Who was he?

This unfamiliar male was Haru. Who once again was being chased after by minions of a perverted man he worked for or the man who forcefully made him work against his will. Kidnapped? Yeah it was. For the 1 millionth time he had ran away hurting a lot of men while doing so, causing the city of business men to erupt into an up roar for another time. Of coarse he didn't care it was always like that. Not only was he running from them he also ran into a small rival gang on the way from temporarily escaping. He was lucky he was still alive and breathing.

His gaze darted to the last man who was the leader of this group sent to find him. He reach his arm out and beckoned with his hand his voice cold as winter. "Let's get this over with."

The leader looked to be in his late 30's his body slightly buff. He observed Haru's thin lean figure, that seemed ready to collapse at anytime. The order sent to him was to bring the boy back unharmed so he wanted to persuade Haru. Such an idiot. "I don't want to hurt you, so just come back. What's the point of this? Even if you run for me you'll soon be caught again. So just come back."

"I guess being a mindless lap dog these past years for that old fat disgusting man of a rapist has seemed to have fried your brain." He smirked provokingly. "I'm gonna take pride in beating your ass today."

The man tried to suppress his anger by gnashing his teeth together. "I don't want to use force so just dammit come!"

"I don't think you understand you cock sucking bastard. I'm not going back, not ever and I'll fight every last one of you who gets in my way of my freedom. So just shut the fuck up and come at me already!!"