Skit 14

"Where the hell is that idiot?" Shenwoo seathed as he stood up from his desk. It had been almost 30 minutes and free period was almost over and yours truly Bohai wasn't back yet.

It didn't take long just to go to the 1st floor vending machine and get drinks. 'Just where did he go?'

He left the room heading down the hall only to hear ruckus by the staircase. "The hell is going on?"

He turned left and went down the steps to see what's going on, only to see Long Wei walking a head in a hurry. He quickly jogged to catch up tapping him on one of his shoulders. "What happen?"

Long Wei looked at Shenwoo warily knowing all to well what was going to happen. He ran downstairs hoping to get here first since he saw the whole situation from his class window. But now he notice he moved too slow and it was too late. So he stayed quite. It made no since to answer, Shenwoo would soon would find out.

"Why are you igno-"

And there it was. Long Wei saw the violent glint in his eyes. There was soon going to be a show. He mused inwardly. He was now glad he didn't reach here before Shenwoo.

Shenwoo's mind had blacked out and all he could feel was anger. Who in the hell had a death wish?!

With no hesitation he ran forward to the commotion. He kicked the red haired boy off his Bohai. Once he did he got on top and swung his right fist landing a hit in the face. Then he took his other and swung.


He didn't care who started it. Whoever bullied his bestfriend would get their ass kicked. And what pissed him off more was the fact he caught the boy with a rock in his hand. Was he trying to kill Bohai?

"You motherfucker!" He growled taking the guys head then smashing it into the ground again then again.

Shenwoo wasn't a violent person he never started a fight a day in his life but he did always finish it. He was very protective of those he adored. His mom, his little sister, and his childish idiot gullible childhood friend. No one and he ment no one could hurt any of them and get away with it.

During all this, a male student with light chestnut, cinnamon hair stood from a far watching all this unfold. His money green eyes shined with excitement as he watched on an wicked smirk sketching onto his peach lips. "Bohai and Shenwoo."

He silently took note of the two keeping them both in mind. Taking one last glance at the three, Bohai, Shenwoo, and Zhan Tian. He turned around and walked away his mood lightening by a lot.

Long Wei frowned reflexively turning his head to the left and looking into the distance to see a figure in all black walking away. 'Interesting.' He thought.