Skit 24

Long Wei's sun kissed golden eyes were infuriating to look at. All they did was dammit stare and intimidate. They reminded Zhan Tian of Kai's emerald eyes. But a little less cold and hateful.

"Can you not fucking stare me down, you damn pervert."

"I'm just shocked to see you here."

"Somehow I doubt that." Zhan Tian frowned with disdain. "If your a pervert you can be a stalker too."

Long Wei's gave the redhead a quick once over seeing him sit on his motor bike. "Your right about that, I could be a stalker, or I just could've ran into you." He mused, a smirk growing.

"I'd pick the former."

"Only for you sweets."

Zhan Tian grimaced at his words. "Never in your life call me that again."

Long Wei's smirk grew bigger. "And if I do, what will happen?" He took a step closer closing off the gap between the two. "Tell me, what do you have in-store for this lowly pervert of yours."

'Was he insane? Too close!' Zhan Tian tried to push him back but his risk were grabbed tightly. Feeling there bodies collide as light breathes trickle down his neck. His face contorted into something so ugly anyone passing by would be frighten.

"Zhan Tian." Long Wei whispered into his ear. "My sweet lovely Zhan Tian." He inhaled then exhaled. "You smell very nice."

'Y-You, you..fucking pervert!!!' Zhan Tian blood began to boil with rage as he gritted his teeth.

Long Wei watched very pleased with himself. The sight of the other was cute like a little angry kitten. He would be able to indulge in this sight longer if someone didn't call his name from across the street making his smile slightly falter. Jerking is head in the direction of the voice. 'Who in the hell- Bohai?'

"You should leave now." Long Wei suggested stepping away from Zhan Tian. "It would be best to avoid a second beating."

Zhan Tian could only nod gritting his teeth harder as he saw Bohai and Shenwoo drawing nearer by the second. He started his engine and took off. "… fuck my life." He grumbled.