Skit 29

Haru carefully watched his friends wild expression with high interest. Seeing the ends of his lips stretch into a wide grin. Along with his golden eyes shining in anticipation. "Long Wei." He spoke lightly. "Your dark side is showing."

Long Wei smile grew wider.

"Your not a good person are you?"

"What makes you say that?" Long Wei questioned while fiddling with a cigarette in his hand as his full attention was to his left.

"You scheme a lot for a person who is supposedly good. And your a bit manipulative."

"Hahahah...." All Long Wei could do was laugh, lightly slapping the table in front of him to catch his breath. "You are one smart kid I'll tell you that." He narrowed his eye's. "What other traits do I have?"

Haru didn't know if he should laugh or cry. This person in front of him was enjoying himself. "Your a cunning, level headed, annoying, sharped eyed, scheming sack of shit, narcissistic and...." Unable to think of anything more he became quite observing the other once again.

"Hmmm.." Long Wei hummed. "I wouldn't say those are bad traits. I like to think of myself as a chameleon. Who blends in with their surroundings. Acts accordingly to the situation while at the same time not just thinking of survival but for self benefits."

"Sounds like a snake to me."

"Maybe and maybe not. I don't hurt anyone for my selfish gain I just enjoy being entertained, everyone has their own morals." He smirked dashingly, leaning over the table, putting his chin on the palm of his hand. He glanced at Haru for more then a second then directing his gaze once again through his lobby' s glass window seeing a red haired figure approaching. "Even the most monstrous and evil of them all still have their own morals. It's the marol, the untold rule that's being followed that matters most."

"And what exactly is the untold rule?"

Long Wei responded with a wink. "Don't you have to figure that out yourself."

Haru said nothing as he began to get up and leave.