Skit 41

Bohai left the classroom leaving Shenwoo to study peacefully. Which led him to walk mindlessly through the school halls with only his thoughts. No matter how hard he tried to he just couldn't wrap his head around their conversation. He didn't even know why the letter bothered him in the first place. It just did. And he didn't want the two nowhere near each other.

'Weird. But oh well.' He thought, shrugging his shoulders. There was no point in dwelling about the unknown. Especially when he really had no right to dwindle in Shenwoo's romance life. As a great friend that he is he should support his pal all the way. So he decided quickly to put the whole thing behind him. And just like that he was over it and once again his mind was easily distracted as his gaze landed on an odd figure with red hair hiding behind a vending machine.

Curious he approached the red haired student from behind, following his actions. As he two looked down the crowded hall in the same direction as the other. Yet no matter how well he mimicked the young male, he couldn't find anything interesting, that was worth hiding behind a vending machine. Furrowing his brows Bohai asked. "What are we looking at Tian?"

Hearing a sudden voice enter his ears Zhan Tian jumped. Jerking his head around to find Bohai behind him. Causing his left eye to twitch. "Don't talk to me as if we're close." He growled. "And 'we' aren't looking at anything. Get the hell away from me dickshit!"

Dickshit? "Are you still mad about the fight?"

"Fuck. Off.."

Bohai tilted his head. "You know Tian if your worried rather I'd hold a grudge against you or anything. Don't worry-" Blah…Blah… Blah

Zhan Tian's face crumbled into something very unsightly. He couldn't believe the shit he was hearing. Was Bohai an idiot or hard of hearing. What part of 'Get the hell away from me' did he not understand. And to add on, the dude was delusional. Why would he hold a grudge over such small matters. And why was the idiot still talking as if they were familiar with one another. But before he could say anything the very thing he feared all day happened. The very person he was avoiding today stood right behind him.

"If it isn't little red."