Skit 43

As Shenwoo walked a feet behind Bohai. He noticed that their usual, leisure pace of walking. Was increasing little by little. What would take 30 minutes to get to school from his home would now take only half of that. He could tell the other was in a rush. But didn't know why. 'Was there a new game out that he needed to play? A new manga sale? "Is there somewhere you need to be?"

Bohai smiled and nodded. "Me and Long Wei can finally have our rematch." He continued walking then paused to look back. "Why you ask?"

"hmmm.." Shenwoo shook his head. "No reason."

"Is it because I seem more happy."

"Maybe." Shenwoo shrugged.

"Don't worry Shen." Bohai smiled cheekily, wrapping an arm around Shenwoo's shoulder. "No one in this world can replace you. No need to feel jealous."

This caused Shenwoo to inwardly laugh. Bohai was once again creating one of his 'Out of this World' crazy assumptions. Shenwoo wasn't jealous, no where near. But all he could do was smile in response. Shoving Bohai arm off him as if the other was delusional. "As if." He spoke. "I need a break from you anyway."

"Don't say that. " Bohai jumped on him with force sending both of them onto the ground. "You love me."

Shenwoo growled. "Get. Off."

"Take it back first."

"Bohai if you don't move, you'll deeply regret it." Shenwoo expressions contorted vividly as Bohai was now straddling him and pining his hands to the ground like a damsel. He felt insulted. Bohai was once again being a pervert. What are it worse was that they were in public. "Bohai!" He yelled.

"Take it back. I'm not moving other wise."

"I'm warning you."

He shook his head resolutely.

'Fine.' Shenwoo thought. 'Your lost.' Not wasting another second Shenwoo kneed Bohai in his private part. Causing the grip around his pinned wrist, to release. Using this moment he used 65% of his strength to punch Bohai in the face. He growled as he stood up dusting his uniform off. "You fucking perverted idiot. When you go over to Long Wei's don't come back!!!" He then stormed off with out looking back.

Bohai watched Shenwoo's back get further away and sighed pitifully, while he clutched his item between his legs with one hand and used the other to hold his bleeding nose. "Maybe I took it a bit too far." He muttered.

"You think?" A voice came from behind. Startling Bohai.