Impure thot

As humiliating as it would be if someone were to walk me on while I was still brushing my hands against the floor, the constant flux of messages informing me of advancing my skill was more than enough of a reward for the risk I took. In fact, by the time I managed to scrub all the dirt from the floor and polish it to the point where it was as reflective as a mirror, my objective aspect of cleaning ability jumped all the way to the eight-level!

Due to how I was intentionally stressing my body in order to achieve the most out of the given situation, once I finally stood up and threw my precious rug on top of my shoulder, my entire body was soaking in sweat. Just moving around in my robes was extremely uncomfortable, not to speak about continuing this work for way longer…

Taking a short break, I approached the bail with water and washed my face with it. While I expected my cleaning ability to be perfectly capable of purifying my body, nothing could beat the feeling of splashing cold water at one's burning skin.

But it didn't mean I wasn't going to use my abilities at all. As soon as the water flowed down from my skin and returned for the most part to the bail, I invoked my objective clearing skill. Recognising the familiar feeling, I expected for it to appear exactly as it did the first time I invoked it. To my surprise, while it started in the same way, with my veins suddenly stretching to accommodate for the flow of my detergent, this feeling disappeared nearly right away.

As surprising to the point of being disappointing this moment was, I could see how all the oily eyes on the water disappearing once the light shine penetrated the liquid. But just as I took down my upper robes for the sake of my own convenience as I would use this once again clear water to wash my body, a knocking suddenly broke the silent atmosphere of the room.

"May I come in?"

Grabbing the nearest blanket from the pile made in the corner of the room, I used it as a towel before throwing it on top of my naked upper body.

"Go on."

Looking through the lone window that decorated the wall of the living room, I now realised how much time passed since I started my cleaning. With not a hint of the sun remaining, a sudden question appeared in my mind.

How the heck I could see everything ever without the sun illuminating anything anymore today?

But as interesting as this question was, the fact that I could recognise the voice coming from behind the doors without a fail meant that I didn't have any time to ponder over this problem.

"I'm sorry for coming so late at night…"

The entire figure of the girl oozed with shyness and uncertainty. Her head hung low, her hands grasping each other at her belt's height, she didn't even dare to face me properly.

"Did something happen?"

Staring up at the girl, I suddenly realised that I was blazing her eyes with the glorious sight of my wet and naked upper body. If not for the blanket-turned-towel, my entire upper body would be brimming right in front of her eyes.

Given the age of the girl and how one's hormonal state would be going crazy due to the body exploding with the internal drive as one's reproduction capability opened up, it was no wonder why she was acting shyly right now. After all, her late-night visit, my look… If someone were to see the two of us right now, it would be hard to miss the obvious deductions.

"N-no… I just came… Because I wanted to thank you."

Pushing herself to step two paces forward, Rubia suddenly relaxed her hands. As it turned out, a part of her attire was held by her delicate fingers. Now, that it lost the support of her pull, a huge veil that was covering her upper body fell to the ground, exposing how risque she was dressed underneath.

Her long strands of hair were falling down on her naked shoulders, hiding behind her back and pulling one's attention away to how deep her cleavage was. To be perfectly honest, it was the first time in my life when I saw clothing as curious as this. It seemed as if Rubia's upper body was covered by a strange, light shirt, held by some kind of strength that went not only around her back but also her arms. That means, that as long as she would press her arms along her body, nothing would support her upper clothing in place!

"I don't know if that's what you are trying to imply, but if that's the case, then you don't need to go as far…"

As I started talking, I could see a strange light appearing in the girl's eyes. It seemed as if it eradicated all the hesitations from the girl's mind, allowing her to take two steps forward, closing the remaining distance between the two of us. With her right hand falling on top of my chest, her shirt slid down her skin dangerously low, resting only on her other arm and a huge protrusion that grew out of her chest.

"You saved my family. If I were to fail to get into the academy… By the time my younger brother would come of age, neighbours would destroy my home."

Sharply raising her head, the girl finally exposed her deep, turquoise eyes, now decorated by the moist around her eyelids. Her lips slightly parting, exposing just the tip of her tongue.

What a pity I couldn't really push myself to consider her as a potential partner!

Although I would lie if I were to attempt claiming she wasn't alluring, with her charms increased with how she was boldly throwing herself at me…

How could I just do it with a kid who felt indebted due to my random actions? Just receiving a favour from potential future ally was enough for me!

"And that's why I'm not going too far at all…"

Sliding her fingers down my chest, Rubia moved even closer, almost pushing her abundant chest against my skin. She got so close that I could swear that her damned nipples were already rubbing against my own chest!

Seeing no other option as I felt that something was raising and there wasn't any shield hero in this world to push the blame on him, I could do only one thing. Yet another bet of mine, that so far, proved to be rather positive in terms of the outcome.


Humming those words in a manner that would surely prevent the girl from understanding, I made something stupid.

Recalling the feeling of casing my purification ability, I imagined Rubia's mind as nothing more… but a complex set of chemicals and electrical signals going through her brain. Using this imagination, I invoked the 'trauma cleansing' ability of mine, while pushing the force to make it act like it did whenever I was purifying an object with the other ability of mine!

I didn't know what kind of aftereffects mixing my abilities like that would have, but in the current situation, I was willing to take the risk. Because the potential downsides of what could happen here otherwise were simply too bothersome for me to shoulder them!

*Thot's impure thoughts got cleansed*

*Congratulations! Host earned an achievement "Self-development!"*

*Self-development - by finding one's own creative ways to further one's potential, one will be able to find shortcuts on his path to greatness. All cost of developing abilities decreases by three points*


*Host ingenious use of all the aspects of his main ability resulted in all his aspects reaching a higher level!*


*Mixing the skills while use resulted in creating a forbidden class skill!*

*Bodily cleansing: Removes the impurities of the body, the soul and mind.*

*Forbidden class requirement: Host level 22*

*Host current level: 20*


*Host achieved the growth requirement of the subquest of the main storyline!*

*Reward: Upper body Personal Protective Equipment suit!*

*Upper body part of host's PPE holds a variety of useful bonuses and options…*

Reading through the first few messages that I received, I quickly had to discard the rest of them, despite how clearly interesting they were. After all, Rubia was still forcing an embrace of me, even though I could clearly tell that something about her changed.

"Forgive me, my insolence…"

Moving a few paces away, I could finally see how her entire face… No, her entire body turned extremely red, as if she was suddenly struck with some kind of fever. At this point, I understood that while I should be happy with my abilities evolving and growing just like that, I could accidentally endanger someone's life by recklessly using them!

And while depriving someone of his or hers life wouldn't be a first for me, there was absolutely no point on wasting such a cute girl for absolutely no reason, especially with how it would cause a lot of problems for me later on!