Found My Target

The next morning, I left the inn after saying goodbye to Angela and Kayla. They decided to take a break from hunting and take a look around the city. And since the news about those two being my friend, and I'm the one who put the Claw gang into hell, I don't think there's any sane person trying to mess with them. After all the end result will be the men getting kicked in the nut by Kayla, or me introducing them to a new world. Even more since the captain of the city guards had become our friend.

And now, first thing I'm going to do is to search for where the prison are. Luckily, I saw some of the guards from yesterday who's resting after getting exhausted by the morning exercise.

"Hey. Morning exercise?"

They nodded and answer my question.

"Yes. After our usual routine, we continued with the sets you taught us. Since the usual sets are recommended by our captain himself. We thought that if we do both his and your training sets, we can gain muscle faster. And now we're too exhausted to continue."

"You shouldn't overdo it. Do it slowly. If you train too much, instead of getting stronger, you may end up injuring yourself. Just do my exercise lightly and once you're tired, go rest. That way, little by little, your stamina will increase. And maybe you can still have some spare energy after you do both Hill's and my training sets."

"You're right. I guess this is it for today. What are you doing here by the way?"

"I want to see the prison where I put those thugs is. Where is it?"

"It's over there. Why do you want to go there? Don't tell me that when you said you're straight, it was a lie."

"No. It's the truth. Why are you react like that?"

"Because since yesterday's event, the numbers of visitors has increased three times. All of them come because they want to get some act inside the prison. Just imagining it alone is a torture to my mind."

"Well, you need to rest your body and your mind. Then I'll take my leave. Good luck in achieving the 'Perfect Body'."

I left them as I went to the location the guard pointed at.

"Whoa! The prison is so big! Hill must be happy with all the prisoner inside. It's basically 'All You Can Eat' for him."

Yesterday, before we had dinner and have a chat in my room, I went around the city and hear a rumor. They say that everyone who has entered the prison, never dare to do crime again. Hill must have 'work' really hard to make it happen. I hope I won't ever enter any kind of prison ever. Not this one or anywhere else.

I look around and when I didn't sense anyone looking at me, I turned Blobby into a small ball and throw her to the middle of the prison. Then I ordered Blobby to look around for whatever it is that Fujoshi Victoria want. The rest is up to her.

Now I'm on my own, leaving the city. I don't have anywhere I want to go so I just randomly pick a direction, and go to the direction I pointed.

With the spear broken in half on my back to make it easy to carry, I entered the forest that I went to yesterday with Angela and Kayla. This time, I'm alone and not even my slime is with me. Only me, my spear and my magic.

Since I have no other goal than to find the monster I needed to defeat, I ignore all the weak monsters around me. I only fought orcs or other monsters stronger than that to improve my spearmanship. And although it's not a real rapier, I used a half split spear into a makeshift rapier so I can learn fencing skill to teach Kayla.

Somehow, I ended up being surrounded by too many monsters. Even a flying monsters like a Giant Eagle! And I don't feel anything at all from my Aura so it seems like flying monsters is not my target.

Since the opponent is too many, I escape from the spot. I don't know where I'm running to. Whenever I see an area where the monsters is few, I ran over there, and by the time I noticed, the numbers of monsters chasing me is increased.


Somehow, my scream also ended up luring more monsters. Why is there too many monsters here? No wonder the guild gave request to defeat twenty monsters. If those requests weren't there, the numbers of monsters chasing me would increase.

I somehow ended up in a mountain area and I see a cave. I entered the cave with hope. Not to escape from the monsters chasing me. If I want to escape from them, I won't enter a cave that might end up being a dead end. I entered the cave so the numbers of monsters that can attack me will be limited. That way I can reduce the numbers until there's no more of them left.

"Huh? They're not coming?"

Somehow the situation is changed. They were not entering the cave to fight me at all even though I'm standing close to the entrance. It seems like they were all afraid of something.

"It must be the one living in this cave. And something seems to be calling me to go deeper. It's like… my Aura is triggered by something inside. Does it mean I found my target?"

And seeing from the reaction of the monsters chasing me, this one must be extremely strong. I never thought that I will find my target this quickly even though I'm the one who wanted to end it quickly.

"Let's see what kind of monster I will face. This should be my biggest challenge ever even if I included my previous life."

I walk slowly and carefully inside the cave. The cave went deep inside and seems like it will go deeper to underground. Which mean there's a possibilities of lacking air. I can continue with my Air magic, but to defeat the monster, I can't use magic or support so I will make my body get used to the lack of air and use minimal movement. This increase my disadvantage against the monster.

Midway, I summon Blobby so I can ask Victoria about the monster we will be seeing. But as soon as I summon my beloved slime, Victoria shouted in anger.


"I'm also going to have some action as well. My Aura is triggered by the monster inside this cave. I found my target but I still don't know yet what monster it is. I won't ask you to help me, but I will ask you something about the monster if you know about it. The sooner we kill this guy the sooner we can go back to Daniel and the others."

"Not yet. I don't want to go home yet. Let us stay here for a month until before your next school event. There's more to see in the prison- I mean the city!"

"Okay. But I think the monster inside is too strong so I may need to come here a few more times until I finally got the strength to kill it. All the monsters chasing me choose to run away after I entered this cave so this target of mine must be extremely strong if its presence alone can make other monsters run in fear."

"So you also choose to keep running away until you can defeat it. Considering your personality, that's a wise choice."

Then we continued walking deeper. And finally, at the end of the cave, there's a big room. In the middle of the room, there's a big round eyeball monster with a lot of tentacles attached to it.

"That's the All-Seeing Eye!"

Victoria then called out that monster's name.

"You mean the All-Seeing Eye that was told to be much more difficult than a dragon? The one without any record of anyone ever subjugating it?"

"Yeah, that one! So after a long time it's still called that way. Looks like your dream of getting stronger has the difficulty setting set on Nigtmare."

"What difficulty setting?"

"Nothing. Just a reference from my previous world. More importantly, look at the fruit that thing guarded."

I look at an object behind the monster. It looks like a pear but it must be not a normal pear since the monster is protecting it.

"That fruit is called 'Pierre Fruit'. It only grows in a place with a lot of mana. Strong monsters usually protecting that fruit because of the mana surrounding the fruit can make monsters grow stronger. It's useless for any mages other than summoner so you hit the jackpot! If you eat that fruit, you can summon two more monsters! One each after your summoning magic is leveled up. That means you can make contract with a monster when you hit Intermediate level, and another one when you're an Advanced level."

"Doesn't that mean the fruit is useless if the summoner is already a Master level?"

"You're right. That's why you hit the jackpot!"

"But the obstacle is too difficult."

"It's a monster that no one have ever defeated after all."

"I have one more question before I advance. Why is it called Pierre Fruit?"

"Because the first one who discovered it is Pierre. That's what the rumor says."

"Not because the shape is 'pear-y'?"

"…your guess is as good as mine. Now go and defeat that monster!"