I Got A Maid

I got so many gold and jewelries from the bandit's lair today. Now I'm instead of carrying Blobbybag, I'm pulling Blobbycart. The bandits seems to be quite successful.

Although I regretted a bit that I can't help that loud person. If it's in a closed space, I can easily beat over a hundred people. But since it's an open area, in a village, if they tried to take hostage, I can't do anything.

My control over air element is also can't reach too far from me. Just about 30 meter max. That's make it harder to make all bandits faint unless they are gathered in one location.

Let's just hope that she can bring reinforcement quickly. Not that anyone would die unless they provoked the bandits. But I already gave her some info about the bandits. Hope it will help.

Anyway, since looting the bandits took some time, I arrived at Melk just as the gate is closed. Not that it will gives me problem since I can just climb the wall.

I went around the wall and look for a place with no guards. While looking for a good place, I found several guards have explosives in their mouth. I can't just go kill them since they are guards of the city. It will alert everyone. I will just remember their faces. And I also tried to remember the faces of the guards who doesn't have explosives. I hope they can be trusted.

For now I'll go to Sam's place and give all these to her. Since she's a gang leader, there's no way she has already fallen asleep at this time, right?

I knocked on the door to Sam's place this time instead of kicking it open. And the one who opened it was Lina whose expression brighten up as soon as she saw me.

"Good evening. I'm here for the trade. I have the goods with me this time."

"Alright. I'll bring you to the boss. Will it be parfait again?"

"No. Just tea is fine."

"Understood. I'll prepare the best tea for you. Follow me."

The best tea? Just how much does she want me to compliment her?

Then I transform Blobbycart into slimmer and longer Blobbycart so I can bring all the goods with me.

I followed Lina into the secret room where I burst the door open previously. Lina knocked on the door and tell Sam that I'm here.

"Excuse me, Boss. Roy is here with the goods."

"Don't bother me right now! I'm about to have my beauty sleep!"

Really? A gang leader going to sleep this early for her beauty sleep? I bet she can do it because she always have someone else do her jobs before. Now she no longer have someone to play the part of 'Sam', she shouldn't have sleep this early.

"Don't bother beautifying yourself with sleep! Try to be beautiful with a smile from the goods I'll give you."

"…wait. I need to get dressed first."

"Boss. You just need to cover yourself with jacket over your pajamas. We can't have Roy wait here any longer."

"You really sided with Roy, huh? I'm your boss, you know? Sigh… come in!"

Lina opened the door and I can see a woman wearing her pajamas covered with jacket. Although I can see her even before the door is open, I tried to not use Divine Vision unnecessarily.

"So? What goods did you bring?"

"I have two types of goods. First is this. Something I looted from bandit's lair."

I put the goods on the floor. Only the ones I get from looting the lair.

"Hmm… this is profitable. But if it's from bandit, then there's a possibility of some of the jewelry to be belonged to nobility. If such things shows in the market, we can be accused of stealing from nobility."

"I know. But if some of the gold here is melted and changed their shape, we can sell them."

"That's right, I guess. But I don't think this is what's in your mind when you asked for my cooperation before. What's the other goods then?"

"As expected of you. You're pretty sharp. No wonder you can survive being a gang leader and moneylender. The rest of the goods is the real thing!"

This time, I transformed Blobby back to her usual blob and let all the stuffs dropped.

"It's a slime!"

"Yes, but that's not the one I'm giving you. It's the stuffs on the ground!"

"These are… magic stones? For water element? And the rest are… magic equipment?! How did you get all these?"

Just like she said. Most of the goods I get from the sunken ship are magic equipment. Even a simple magic equipment that was sold in the store is expensive. I was lucky to buy my self-repair spear cheaply. It was because no one would buy it.

But what about the magic equipment from over a hundred year ago? Most of the equipment from that time are no longer usable. But the one I found has never been used. Although there are some with rust because it has been abandoned for a long time, they should still be able to be fixed. And the price of just one of them should be high.

"How did you get these? Did you steal it?"

"They were all abandoned."

"All of these? How come someone stupid enough to never use all this magic equipment and abandon them?"

"Because they were sunk during the delivery."


"I took them from a sunken ship. With my air element, I can dive underwater as long as I want to. This is the business I'm talking about before. I will dive underwater and seek many treasures from magic stones, goods from sunken ships, and maybe materials from sea monsters."

"Air element? Then your other element is summoning and… water element?"

"No. Just air and summoning."

"I see. I won't ask where your confidence come from just with those two elements, but this business is really profiting. Are you sure about the 50:50 share?"

"Yes. Does it means you will agree with the term?"

"Of course! There's no way I will let go of this partnership! How often will you dive?"

"At least once a month. If you're moving to Cassau, I can bring more because it's closer."

"Okay! I will move as soon as my business here is done! But you won't move?"

"Not yet. At least until I graduate first. Now I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I want you to buy a house. Or maybe a building with a lot of rooms for when me and other people move to Cassau. If possible, makes it close to your office. You can have my share now for the funds."

"I see. That's easy. I will move in a few days with Lina and my other trusted subordinate. For where I will sell them… I'll take care of that. You just need to bring your finds at least once a month. Is that a deal?"


"No deal!"


It was Lina who doesn't accept the deal. What's her deal?

She put my tea on the table and protested to Sam.

"Lina? What's wrong?"

"I want to resign as your maid and become Roy's maid!"

Lina said bluntly.


"Huh? My maid?"

"That's right. I want to stay with Roy."

Then Sam stood from her seat and sit next to me so we can chat in whisper.

"What do you think?"

"I don't mind if she want to be my maid. But can you tell me what exactly makes her do this?"

I'm curious. I'm really curious. Why is someone like Lina want to be with me? I don't feel anything romantic about this so I believe it's not because she loves me. Does me giving her compliment many times makes her wants more and more?

Then Sam tells me Lina's story.

"Actually, I asked her after our negotiation that time. She actually has some 'daddy issues'. Her mother died when she was young and her father blames her for it. But Lina keeps trying to impress her father with many things. Cooking, cleaning, studying, and others. But her father never once gives her praises. As soon as her magic awakened, she was sold by her father to a slave merchant. It was me who bought her and free her from slavery, but she choose to stay as my maid.

Then you came and praised her. She told me that it feels like you're a much older man when you give her compliment. I think that's why for Lina, you are the replacement for her father who never praise her."

"…Damn! So I'm a father now?"

"I don't mind if she leaves my side for you. I think I can trust you with her. How about it?"

This time, she speak in her normal voice and no longer whispers again. Having a maid, huh?

"Lina. Are you sure about this?"

I asked Lina about her decision.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay then. I'll give you my first order. I want you to follow Sam to Cassau and help her. At least until I moved there. For now, Sam need as many help as she can get, so I ask you to continue what you're doing now. Of course this time as her helper. Not as her maid."

"Understood. I will make sure Sam buy a big building for you and your friend while I'm with her. But…"

"Don't worry. Although I will move there after graduation, I will visit from time to time since I need to stock up our supply as well."

"Then I will do as you say."

"Good. I knew I can count on you! You're the best maid one could ever have!"

Now Lina's face has a big smile on it with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Since I have finished my business here, I left the building and went back home to Red Tail. Lina will help Sam moves and will be waiting for me in my new house. Maybe I will go back to Cassau in a week so I can get more money and Sam will buy me a bigger house. I can also look for settlement if she hasn't found a good one yet.

Maybe I should bring the girls with me next time.