Distracting The Orc Emperor

Alright. Now it's my turn.

Other parties looked confused seeing me walked forward alone. Well, that should be the case.

But Kayla and the others told them that I should be fine. They should rest and restore their magic before they fight again.

I think I heard Kayla saying something about one hour, but what the hell?!

One hour against an Orc Emperor is too much!

That means I have to do something else that won't use much of my stamina.

Let's see… Orc Emperor is intelligent, but also move on instinct. It is smart and love to compete strength because of its instinct. And it's extremely powerful.

How can I make smart creature look stupid? I have many ways, but whether it worked or not, I don't know. I can only try since it will be impossible to defeat it if I can't stall for time.

That means I have to combine all of my distraction skills from Shameless Survival Arts.

Shameless Survival Arts!

Legendary Clown: Clarence!

Somehow I always named my arts on the spot. Well, it's not like I have to name everything.

Now then, what should this clown do?

For now, I'll try to look intimidating in front of the Orc Emperor and walk slowly toward it.

I left everyone behind, took a step forward, and as expected, the Orc Emperor noticed me.

That thing seems to be wary of me. That's good. That's the trait only smart creature have. To be wary of something unexpected.

I heard something from behind me about my actions, but I'll ignore them for now. I'll leave them to the girls.

I walked slowly without making it too obvious that I'm acting. Just enough to make the Orc Emperor think that I'm no pushover.

Whoops! I think this is close enough. Any closer and the Orc Emperor will strike me with its club. Even if I use Aura to protect myself, there's no way I can be unharmed.

But it's good that I have already stall for time a whole minute just by walking. Now I have to show it what I can do!


I rip off my shirt and let out a roar. And then I made a pose as if to show the Orc Emperor my muscle. Although it's obviously smaller than it.

Will this work? I just stupidly provoking an Orc Emperor with my muscle when I know I couldn't even win in strength against Orc General.

If possible, I'd like to make it unconscious by making it breathe sleeping gas or making it difficult for that monster to breathe. But I can't. I noticed while I was slow walking to it, each time I'm about to use magic, that thing somehow noticed. Without a doubt, that Orc Emperor can sense magic when it was about to be casted.

Then I just have to make the magic surround it without making the Orc Emperor wary.

That Orc Emperor sneered at my show of strength.


Then the Orc Emperor roared at me. Its spit got on my face. Disgusting.

But at least it means my plan worked. It got provoked by my little show of strength and decided to show its own strength by roaring. At least that's what I thought.

Now, I'm using magic. Of course the Orc Emperor will be wary of what I'm going to do. But it won't be for long. Because I just use air magic to make the air surrounding me turned into Oxygen.

Knowing that my magic is not an offensive magic, the Orc Emperor sneered at me again. Look like that thing know I'm weaker in both magic and physical. But that doesn't mean I can't entertain this monster.

I slowly walked and grab a large stone. The size is about as big as my head.

What am I going to do? Well, the show of strength isn't over yet.

I put the stone on the ground in front of the monster, then I raised my hand above my head.


I split the stone with a chop covered by Aura. My hand doesn't hurt at all and the stone is perfectly split in two.

Noticing that the magic I used is only for myself to make a show like that, the Orc Emperor calmed down. But its competitive spirit is raised.

The Orc Emperor walked to a large boulder. Dropping its club, that monster just swung its fist to the boulder. It got destroyed into pieces.

Well, that deserve a round of applause. And so I slowly clapping.

Having an instinct to compete and being smart will be your downfall!

Instinct to compete mean it will not back down from a challenge. Having intellect mean it has curiosity and ability to learn. That means I will just challenge it by doing something it can't do, but can still learn. Of course the thing I'll challenge it won't be useful for battle. Maybe?

And as it realize I only used magic for myself, I think it know that the magic I used is spread around me and could even reach him. It even tried a few time to get inside the range where I used my magic and feel the oxygen as it breathe. That's fine. Now I will make the air surrounding it gets thinner. I'm sure it won't notice right away. And by the time it noticed, everyone should be recovered enough strength.

Now my plan is to make it breathe more and more.

I have more confidence now since my plan is working so far.

This is what happened when curiosity met a clown. The most curious job with many tricks hidden.

Next, I grabbed three fist-sized stones on the ground. What I'm doing now is… juggling.

I skillfully show my juggling skill in front of the Orc Emperor. It must have never seen it before. Obviously. I mean what kind of society it is when an orc have seen someone juggling stones skillfully?

Then I throw the stones at it. Challenging it to do the same. I'm changing its instinct from competing through strength, to compete in intellect and skills as well.

Being provoked, of course the orc tried to do the same. But with bigger stones. Fine with me since the more strength you use, the more you breathe, then the quicker you will faint.

The Orc Emperor tried it over and over again. It keeps failing many times but when I sneered at it, it got provoked again and refuses to give up. Until finally, it did it. Of course the stamina it wasted is a lot. But that thing is an Orc Emperor. I don't know how much stamina that thing has.

What should I do now? Competing in strength is useless. I have to do something else.

I took a deck of cards in my pants pocket. I have it from the circus and I haven't returned it yet. Now I will show the orc some tricks using cards.

"Look at this. I took a card with my right hand, and poof! It disappear. Again, another card, then poof again! It disappear again!"

I used the trick where I took a card and make it disappear with a sleight of hand trick. Then I gave the cards to the Orc Emperor for it to try.

Who knows that I have been stalling it for more than thirty minute? Using my Divine Vision, I can see that everyone is rested enough but still need some more time. Maybe training the Orc Emperor to do magic trick will gain us more time.

The Orc Emperor has arm length longer than me and its hands and fingers also bigger than me. Which makes it difficult to perform such tricks. Of course every time it tried to give up, I sneered at it and provoke it further. Just enough to not make the Orc Emperor too angry and go crazy attacking me acting like an average orc.

As I watched the orc practicing, I saw Sophie approached. Our position is in a straight line where the orc is in the middle and Sophie is behind it. I did this when I gather stones for my juggling so the orc won't notice what the others is doing.

Sophie is shaking but about to prepare her magic. I shook my head to tell her it was not the time yet. But it's already time for me to use my magic!

I concentrate and makes the air is not a breathable kind. Normal people would faint but the Orc Emperor still has some strength.


It noticed that I used some kind of magic to harm it and stopped working on the trick. It faced me in anger and see I'm holding some kind of large tube shaped weapon with stones inserted in it.

I shot Air Cannon at its head using a large rock and Victoria as weapon. It connected but won't hurt the Orc Emperor much. But that's enough to gain all its attention to me.


Sophie used her lightning magic, Lightning Shock, to paralyze the Orc. Because she's still a beginner level it won't stop that thing for long. But enough for the others to prepare their magic.

I ran toward Sophie after I shot the orc, grabbed her and escape far away from it when I heard someone signaled to attack.


That's a cue for me to make the air surrounding that orc into a flammable one. I did that quickly while running away, then I heard a loud explosion behind me. I didn't look at the orc at all because I need to be in a safe place.

Everyone seems to use all of their magic power for this attack. Mostly the fire and wind element mages.

I hope this works.