Dreamt of Being a Hero

Victoria's registration was done early. Then the five of us left for Cassau. We travel on foot with steady pace because Sophie still not used to a long travel. Although I can reach there in less than a day, I still have to think about the others.

We set up a camp in the evening so we can rest. We should be able to reach Cassau in two or three days if we keep the pace.

Victoria has gone and turned back into Blobby. We let Sophie and Kayla take first shift of watch duty. It was so Sophie can get used to camping. And Kayla will keep her company. After their turns, it's mine and then Angela.

I choose the middle shift because it was the most tiring one. I have to wake up in the middle of the night and only sleep for a while. Of course I slept again after my shift, only for a short while. If the girls are the one who's doing it, I'll be concerned about them. That's why I choose to be the middle shift.

As for why Sophie and Kayla together on the first shift, it was because this is Sophie's first time camping as a hunter. She said that long time ago, she used to travel with her merchant father. But at that time, she was just someone to be protected. Now she's a hunter, she need to get used to do the protecting instead.

She's the first because the first shift will always have the longest time to rest without any interruption until the sun rise. Kayla with her to guide her. And she's also the one who has the closest relationship with Sophie. Other than me.

During my turn for watch duty, Sophie left her tent and take a seat next to me.

"Can't sleep?"

"Yes. Am I bothering you?"

"Not at all. You can rest your head in my lap. I'll keep you company until you fall asleep."


Without hesitation she rest her head on my lap. I grabbed a blanket and cover her body with it.

"What's wrong?"

"Just… being a hunter is tiresome. Especially when you're travelling. It's the first time for me to keep watch at night."

"Right. You said that you used to travel with your father, right?"

"It's different. Back then, I am the one being protected. Now I'm the one doing protection."

"Then wanna quit being a hunter? It's not like I taught you to be stronger just so you can be a hunter you know?"

"That's… I feel like if I do that, you will get further and further away from me. I don't want that."

"…damn. You're cute."

I said as my hand reached her head and rub it.

"I really want to be a part of your life. And you become an important part of my life."

"This is weird, you know? Getting into relationship just because we slept together. Not that I hate it."

"You're right. I know at that time, you just want to get to sleep quickly and said nice things to me. But since that time, I just can't get you away from my mind. That's why I became a hunter. I want to be closer with you."

"You don't regret being a hunter? You should already know how close you are to death in this line of job."

"I know. But when I see you fighting the Orc Emperor, my heart is hurt imagining what would happen if you died. Rather than me dying, I'm more afraid to lose you."

"That's nice to hear. But I want you to still be afraid of death. After all, I'm the one who's afraid of death the most here. Especially after experiencing it once."

She turned her head to me while still on my lap and ask me with a concerned expression.

"If you're afraid of death, then why are you doing this? Why do you want to fight an entire secret organization and have to get stronger?"

"Why am I doing it? Well, it's because I know the future. It's scary. I want to change it. My wish is just to live peacefully, but knowing that Evil God Cult exist, they won't let anyone live peacefully. They will kill anyone if they don't share the same vision. That's why if I want to live peacefully, they have to disappear."

"But you don't have to fight them, right? With your strength as it is now, you can choose to keep running away until you reach a place they can't reach."

Thinking back, that's should be the first thing I did once I turned back in time. Why didn't I do it? It's obvious. Just a stupid answer.

"Well, it was because I am stupid and made a stupid decision. I get back to the past and I didn't choose to run away forever just like you said. It was because... in the corner of my mind, I want to play hero. Knowing what the future will be, and how to get stronger faster, I just thought that maybe if I get strong enough, I can destroy that cult and become a hero. Although that kind of thinking never stays in my head for long, in the end, I met people who became important to me before I choose to run away. Now I want to live peacefully and make sure everyone important to me will be safe. That's why I choose to fight now."

"So you choose to fight them? Is that it?"

"Yes. But that's not all. You know that I will go to the royal capital after my business in Cassau is over, right?"

"Yes. You told us this morning."

"I'm planning to tell the king about the cult. Hopefully, I can leave the rest to the king. If he choose to fight the cult, I can rest easy. But I think even if he's doing well, there's a limit to what he can do. So I will help him little by little until the kingdom has enough power to protect itself from the cult. Once the cult's influence disappear in this kingdom, I can finally live peacefully with Daniel, Kayla, you, and the others. As for other countries, let's have the king inform them later on."

"I see. So you want to get stronger so you can leave the rest to the kingdom. But what if there are traitors in the kingdom? Wasn't the governor is part of the cult?"

"That's will be included in the part where I helped the king little by little."

"Then after that, you won't get involved with the cult again?"

"Hopefully, that will be the case. Then we can have our happily ever after."

"Then I will support you with all my heart."

She said as she yawned. I guess she's tired from our chat.

"Go to sleep. I will carry to your tent so you can sleep here if you want."

"Then I'll take that offer. I always had a good dream whenever I sleep with you…"

"You too, Kayla. I know you're listening. And Angela, sorry to wake you up but this is not your turn yet. You can sleep again and I'll wake you up later."

I can see them with my Divine Vision so I knew they have been listening from the start.

Then Kayla, instead of sleeping in her tent, she choose to leave and approached me.

"Then I will sleep on your other lap. You have two so it's fine, right?"

"Sure. Being surrounded by beauties is a blessing after all."

I adjusted my siting position so both Kayla and Sophie can sleep well. With Sophie on my right, and Kayla on my left, I patted their heads and soon, they fell asleep.

As for Angela, she peeked from her tent for a while and then returned back to her sleep. Not asking to sleep on my lap. It's obvious since she's not my girlfriend. And even more obvious that I only have two legs. Where would she sleep then?

Few hours passed but since Angela woke up before, I choose to stay on duty for another hour so Angela can get her rest. Then I carried Sophie and Kayla back to their tent and woke Angela up so she can have her turn.

The three girls stayed in one tent with using Blobby as their bed. While I'm staying alone in a small tent.

I don't have any complain about sleeping alone. Especially when I know that there are two women who truly worried about me. They are such a great women that I felt truly grateful that they want to be with me.

And possibly, there's one more woman. Although she's not my lover.

And still possibly, there will be more. I'm truly glad to have understanding girlfriends who allow me to have a harem. Will there be more, I wonder?

Whether I will have more lovers or not, it doesn't matter. What matter most is for me to have the ability to protect them. That's why I have to get stronger.