Old Friend

Now it's time for ghost hunting!

It was only me, Lina, and Blobby who enters the haunted building.

Lina asked the key from the seller and the seller happily give it to us when we said he doesn't need to come. We just said we want to check the building before deciding to buy it.

"Lina. You don't need to come if you're afraid."

I can see clearly that her hand that holding the key is shaking. She's afraid but still choose to come. Even Victoria choose to not appear and let Blobby takes control. But in the end, their memory is shared. Victoria can see what Blobby sees.

"I'll come with you. I'm the one who suggested this building after all."

"That's very brave of you. But I don't want anything happen to you so…"

"I'll come with you…"

She said with her voice shaking. I guess she is worried about me.

"Fine. You can come. But stay close behind me at all time, okay?"


She stuck behind me and her chest is touching my back. Awesome!