Sneaking Into The Capital

"How were they?"

I asked Victoria.

Yesterday, Victoria told me in hurry that Ellen's party got caved in and the girls are trying to help them. Now it's already dark and I summoned her because the capital is already in sight.

I hurried here because I want to help the girls. It's not that I really want to help Ellen's party. It's that because Kayla and the others decided to help them, I decided to help the girls.

If the girls don't want to help, then I won't. It's that simple.

After I summoned Victoria, I asked her what they were doing and how's the situation with Ellen's party.

The girls are doing fine. Lina is trying to help with looking for monsters with possibilities of having special ability related to vision. And Victoria is hunting monsters and caught some small monsters with good vision.

Sam is working as usual, the ghost is undoing the magic she casted, and the rest are cultivating.