Story From Fairy Tale

Powerful container, huh? I think I can use the materials like the ones I made for the oxygen tank from the time I fought the All-seeing Eye.

"Sonia, can we awaken our Aura as well?" Kayla asked.

She was interested in Aura as well. Because of her lack of offensive power, she used a spike from earth magic as a rapier. If she has Aura ability as well, she will be more powerful.

"That's a difficult question. Back then, we have a way to know whether someone has potential in awakening their Aura or not. And even those with potential, only few percent of them actually managed to awaken their Aura. But there are some who actually doesn't have the potential at first, but somehow managed to awaken their Aura even though their Aura is much weaker than average Aura user."

Sonia explained. But why is Victoria listening closely as if she doesn't know it?