Interrogated By A Long Black-Haired Bombshell

After killing my target, I looked at the situation with the other three.

The other flying enemy was burnt and fell to his death because of Ms. Wendy. Candy struck an enemy with lightning magic. And the last enemy got pierced by Angela's Ice Spike.

Finally the battle is over!

We gathered together back where Kayla and Sophie are resting, at the place where the coach is.

The twin are still unconscious. Or maybe they did woke up, but Kayla knock them out again.

"What are you going to do with those two?" Ms. Wendy asked me.

"I'll try to get everything from them. Where the cult located, their higher ups, Lady Celestine and Veronica, the cult's goal and everything possible from them. But first…"

I approached the unconscious twin and pulled the explosive devices from their mouth.

"They always have this thing in their mouth. Makes it easier for me to find out that they are from that cult."