The Prime Minister And His Son

"Done eating? Let's continue."

"You say that, but the next contestant hasn't arrived yet." I replied to Albert after seeing the waiting room with my Divine Vision.

"It's nice to have such eyes, isn't it?" Albert complimented my eyes.

"…that's just another word for 'you have such beautiful eyes'. Did Victoria influence you much?"

"Hell no! I just mean your ability!" Albert protested.

"Umm… your majesty? Is it officially called an Audition now?" Mustache who ate quickly so he can return to his position, asked Albert.

"Yes. The winner will receive our trust. The loser will die. The undecided, we will see how they're doing later. We can ask the winner to keep watch on the undecided." Albert said.

"Let's think of the name of the audition! Like 'Who Wants To Be Trusted' or something." I suggested an idea to Albert.

"That's good. But mine is better. 'Albert's Trust'. Since it's basically to decide whom I can trust."