Everyone Loves To Tease Me

After I wake up from my nap, I was surrounded by kids. Daniel is laying his head on my stomach as he looked up to my face.

"Roy is up!" He said.

"I'm up. I heard that you learn difficult words. How smart are you right now?"

"I learn something from Sister Angela! She taught me what you are! A lazy bum!" Daniel said with a bright smile.

Well, that was not wrong. But considering what I have done, I don't think I have time to be called a lazy bum. I have been so busy these past few month.

Then I looked at the side to see Hannah is carrying Lana in her arms.

"Have you been a good big sister to these two?" I asked Hannah.

"I have. We have been sleeping together all this time!"

"How's Lana? Did she freeze anything?"

"Not anymore. As long as someone is with her, she won't freeze anything. I think Lana is just lonely."