Why I Hate Prison

Well, that's one thing taken care of. We will perform the show later in the afternoon. Now the next thing is…

"What about the other prisoners?" I asked Ms. Wendy.

"Which one? The members of the cult that you captured or the thugs who caused troubles after the stampede?" Ms. Wendy asked back.

"Well… both of them, I guess? What will we do to them?"

"Hmm… as for the troublemakers, we can imprison them in a real prison. We'll give them to the guards of this city to take care of. As for members of the cult… It will be problematic if we put them in prison. During the stampede, all the convicts in prison choose to stay knowing that the prison is a safe place, but some of the wardens are dead. And we don't know if there are members of the cult inside the prison as well. We can't do much to those who are already in prison after all." Ms. Wendy shook her head.