Blame Everything on Luiz!

"This guy is the one responsible for the death of our friends and our families! Luiz!" Shirley shouted.

"You… you bastard! It was all your fault that my husband died!"

It was one woman who spoke first. She's around thirty years old. Oleg looked shocked when he saw her.

When I looked at him for confirmation, he spoke in a low voice that only I can hear. I have told him that my hearing is very good so he knows that I can hear him.

"That's my sister-in-law." He said.

Sister-in-law? Doesn't that mean it was Oleg who killed her husband?

Well, in any case, it was indeed Luiz's fault that her husband died. If he didn't suggest to sacrifice this city, all of these would never happen. But if these things didn't happen, I wouldn't know what to do since all I've prepared after returning back to the past is for this moment.