Unexpected Guests

"That's the last one. With this, monsters should be returning here soon." I said as I put the last corpse of the people I killed in the forest. I was careful to not let the location I put the corpses near the main road to another city. But it took a while until I finished it.

"Roy, why do you have to do this? I don't think you're the kind that care much about other people not related to you." Victoria asked as she is on my shoulder in her small slime form.

"You're right that I'm not one to care about other people. Other than children. But this is related to my past regret after all. And despite my knowledge of the stampede, I let it happen. The result of my action should be better than if I stopped the stampede before it happened, but there are still casualties. I hope by doing this is enough for the survival of this city. We're leaving soon, right?"

"I don't know. At least Shirley and the agents will stay here for a while."