Giant Crabs

The seas have too many uncertainties. There are too many unknown monsters here.

It has been two days since the time when I encounter killer dolphins. After that, I encounter some other killer dolphins. Thanks to my experience in fighting against them, I no longer has difficulty when I fought them. But there are more of them than I thought.

Even today, I encounter at least fifteen of them. Maybe this is near their nest.

This time, I swum further from the shore. There should be more treasures I can get other than pearls. I already have a lot of them stocked on the empty island, but I still see some at the bottom of the sea. At least I won't have any trouble of empty stock for a while. But they were all just pearls though.

This time, I swum to the bottom of the sea and swum around there. I saw several giant crabs hiding under the sand. I wanted to have some of them for lunch. Maybe brought home some of them.